1. Internal and System Changes
AIO page server fatal errors during startup may leave Stone hanging
Improvements in Error reporting
Improved error reporting for String and MultiByteString>>encodeUsing:
Error message referencing primitive -1/-2 does not exist is confusing
midLevelCacheConnect: error could return empty string rather than error
OutOfRange errors in setting configuration values did not include details
Improved error when using a name that matches a system service
Kernel methods not respecting transient changes to symbol list
Linux network statistics incorrectly relative to start of statmonitor
GEM_PGSVR_COMPRESS_PAGE_TRANSFERS only compressed one direction
StringKeyValueDictionary>>at:ifAbsent: did not use block on nil argument
Checkpoints not written during replay of possible dead objects
SymbolGem that is slow to exit is made invalid, not handled cleanly
Compiling method with Array SymbolDictionary required #OtherPassword privilege
Inconsistent lock status after failed commit on temporary locked object