GemBuilder for Smalltalk (GBS) Versions
Using setcap for large pages and OOM protection on Linux
Large Memory Pages and Locking SPC in memory
Raw partitions on Character devices no longer supported
GsTsExternalSession forkAndDetachBlock:
Terminating logsender and logreceiver programmatically
ClassOrganizer >> newExcludingGlobals
GsNMethod >> recompileFromSource
Converting Non-specials in special range
codePointAt:put: now performs auto-conversion if needed
Empty Unicode7 string literals now canonicalized
GsTsExternalSession no longer requires cpp/gcc/g++
Better error message if reverse DNS fails for Single Sign-On (SSO)/Kerberos logins
Very slow restore of compressed tranlogs
Performance regression in markForCollection
Stone may have shutdown on checkpoint when tranlog disks full
NetLDI shutdown timing issue resulted in unable to restart
netldid executes without $GEMSTONE but does not function
Finding references failed to report objects in large IdentityBags
Array >> replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: may not copy elements correctly
RcIdentityBag >> remove:otherwise: errored
Dictionary become: does not update internal variables
GsSocket >> writeWillNotBlockWithin: does not handle nil returned by writeWillNotBlock
Upgrading did not preserve default legacy indexes
Session methods must be disabled for upgrade
copydbf returns wrong version for secondary extents after upgrade
Excessive attempts to start AdminGem during upgrade
GLASS/Seaside auto-migrate may error after GC operation
Issues with stacks and memory stats when using setcap to enable LargeMemoryPages or OOM killer protection
Numeric and Time related issues
Float = and ~= always returned false for SmallScaledDecimal arguments
Strings with leading '-0.' lose sign when converted using asNumber or Number fromString/Stream:
SmallDateAndTime passivate activate failed for years 2035-2072
asJson problems with Date, Time, DateTime, and DateAndTime
CharacterCollection >> isDigits incorrect for empty string
A Time did not compare equal to equivalent SmallTime
Duration new created an uninitialized instance
File handle leak in GsTsExternalSession
Spurious OutOfMemory when in-memory pom_gen scavenge fails
commitRestoreForFailoverAfterWaitingUpTo: now stops logreceiver
stoned exited with code 3 on clean shutdown
SEGV when a terminated GsProcess is sent terminate
gemnetobject -T, -N argument was ignored if no separator
CodeModificaton required to list Pragmas with session methods enabled