Topaz Command-Line Syntax

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This section presents the formal command syntax and the available command-line options.

By default the topaz command invokes an RPC executable. This is the same as specifying the -r option on the topaz command line:

topaz [ -r ] [ -q ] [ -i | -I topazini ] [ -S scriptFile ] [ -n hostName:netldiName ] [ -u useName ] [ -X caCertPaths ] [ -- other args ]

When invoked with the -L or -l option, Topaz runs in linked mode. The command line accepts additional options that apply only when starting linked version:

topaz -l | -L [ -q ] [ -i | -I topazini ] [ -S scriptFile ] [ -u useName ] [ -e exeConfig | -E exeConfigFile ] [ -z systemConfig ] [ -T tocSizeKB ] [ -C configParams ] [ -- other args ]

In linked topaz (topaz -l or -L), you may also login RPC sessions, as well as login a single linked session. Settings that only apply to linked sessions (-e, -E, -z, -T, and -C) do not apply for RPC sessions started from linked topaz.

topaz also provides usage and version information:

topaz -h | -v


-C configParams

Provides configuration parameters, in configuration file syntax, that override settings in the configuration files. Only applies to linked sessions (RPC sessions may use the -C syntax in the Gem’s NRS). This option may be included more than once; each string of -C argument parameters is applied in the order they appear. For example,



The GemStone executable configuration file or directory containing a file named gem.conf. This only applies to linked sessions. See the System Administration Guide, Appendix A, for details on configuration files.


The GemStone executable configuration file. Only one of -e and -E can be used. This only applies to linked sessions. See the System Administration Guide, Appendix A, for details on configuration files.


Displays a usage line and exits.


Ignore the initialization file, .topazini.

-I topazini

Specify a complete path and file to a topazini initialization files, and use this rather then any .topazini in the default location.


Invoke the linked version of Topaz.


Invoke the linked version of Topaz, and do not apply any command set gemnetid that may appear in the .topazini file or a file passed in using -I.

-n hostName:netldiName

For a login using X509-Secured GemStone only, to specify the NetLDI to spawn the Gem, part of the X509-secured GemStone login parameters. The host name or IP, and the netldi name or listening port, for an X509-secured NetLDI.


Start Topaz in quiet mode, suppressing printout of the banner and other information.


Invoke the RPC (remote procedure call) version of Topaz.

-S scriptFile

Specifies a script file that will be processed with INPUT.

-T tocSizeKB

The GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE that will be used. Overrides any settings provided in configuration files passed as arguments with the -e or -z options. Only applies to linked sessions.

-u useName

Sets the cache name, as recorded by statmonitor for viewing in VSD. This is also useful for identifying processes in OS utilities such as top or ps.


Prints version and exits.

-X CaCertPaths

For a login using X509-Secured GemStone only, to set certificates. Requires additional infrastructure to be running, including X509-secured NetLDIs and caches. The argument must specify three paths in the defined order: cacert, chained key for user, and private key for user.

For example:

-X 'stoneCA-dev.cert.pem;DataCurator.chain.pem;DataCurator.privkey.pem'


The GemStone system configuration file or directory containing a specifically named file; if the -E argument is also used, only a file is accepted. This applies only to linked sessions. See the System Administration Guide, Appendix A, for details on configuration files.

-- otherArgs

Arbitrary text arguments otherArgs may be included after the “--” end of arguments marker, which must follow any of the above topaz arguments are included.


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