3. Command Dictionary

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This chapter provides descriptions of each Topaz command, in alphabetical order.

Command Syntax

Most Topaz commands can be abbreviated to uniqueness. For example, set password: can be shortened to set pass. Exceptions to this rule are a few commands whose actions can affect the success or failure of your current transaction and, thus, the integrity of your data: abort, begin, commit, exit, and so on. Commands that cannot be abbreviated are described in the individual command documentation.

If a command abbreviation is ambiguous, it is not executed. Note however that if a command’s first letters are abbreviated and this matches another command, the other command is executed; for example, the l form of listw, and the c form of continue.

Topaz commands are case-insensitive. Time, TIME, and time are understood by Topaz as the same command. However, arguments you supply to Topaz commands may be subject to case-sensitivity constraints. For example, the commands category: animal and category: Animal specify two different categories, since GemStone Smalltalk is case-sensitive. The same is true of UNIX path names, user names, and passwords.

Objects passed as arguments to Topaz commands can usually be specified using the formats described in Specifying Objects.

Command lines can have as many as 511 characters. You can stop a command at any time by typing Ctrl-C. Topaz may take a moment or two before responding.


Aborts the current GemStone transaction. Your local variables (created with the define command) may no longer have valid definitions after you abort.

If your session is outside a transaction, use abort to give you a new view of the repository.

This command cannot be abbreviated.


Print the stacks of all instances of GsProcess that are known to the ProcessorScheduler instance in the VM and stacks associated with previous topaz STACK SAVE commands.

See also THREADS.


Begins a GemStone transaction. If the session is already in a transaction, this has the effect of an abort. The begin command is only useful if your session is not in automatic transaction mode, i.e., in manual or transactionless transaction mode.

You can change transaction mode using the method System class >> transactionMode: with an argument of #autoBegin, #manualBegin, or #transactionless, or by using the topaz set transactionmode command (page 142).

topaz 1> set transactionmode manualbegin
transaction aborted and mode changed to manualBegin
topaz 1> begin
<perform database operations>
topaz 1> commit
Successful commit

This command cannot be abbreviated.



break aSubCommand

Establishes (or displays) a method breakpoint within your GemStone Smalltalk code. Subcommands are method, classmethod, list, enable, disable, and delete. For more information about breakpoints, see Chapter 2, “Debugging Your GemStone Smalltalk Code”.

Method Breakpoints

You can set method breakpoints within an instance method at step points: assignments, message sends, or method returns. Use the list steps command to display all valid step points for a method.

In each of the following commands, the optional argument anInt specifies the step point within that method where the break is to occur. If you do not specify anInt, the breakpoint is established at step 1 of the method.

You may not set method breakpoints in any method whose sole function is to perform any of the following actions: return self, return nil, return true, return false, return or update the value of an instance variable, return the value of a literal, or return the value of a literal variable (that is, a class variable, a pool variable, or a variable defined in your symbol list).

You may supply the class name parameter in these four formats:

An unsigned 64-bit decimal OOP value that denotes an object.

This can be either a GemStone Smalltalk variable name or a local variable created with the define command.

** The object that was the result of the last execution.

^ The current class (as defined by the most recent set class:, list categoriesin:, method:, classmethod:, removeallmethods, removeallclassmethods, or fileout class: command).

break method aClassName selectorSpec [@ anInt]
Establishes a method breakpoint on the given instance method.

break classmethod aClassName selectorSpec [@ anInt]
Establishes a method breakpoint on the given class method.

break method ^ selectorSpec [@ anInt]
Establishes a method breakpoint on the given instance method for the current class.

break classmethod ^ selectorSpec [@ anInt]
Establishes a method breakpoint on the given class method for the current class.

break method @anObjectSpec selectorSpec
Establishes a method breakpoint at step point 1 of the given instance method for the class with the specified objectId.

break method @anObjectSpec
Establishes a method breakpoint at step point 1 of the GsNMethod with the specified objectId.

break @anInt
Establishes a method breakpoint at the specified step point of the method selected by the previous down, frame, lookup, list, or up command.

Displaying Breakpoints

break list
Lists all currently set breakpoints. In the display, each breakpoint is identified by a break index for subsequent use in break disable, break enable, and break delete commands.

Disabling and Enabling Breakpoints

break disable anIndex
Disables the breakpoint identified by anIndex in the break list command.

break disable all
Disables all currently set breakpoints.

break enable anIndex
Reenables the breakpoint identified by anIndex in the break list command.

break enable all
Reenables all disabled breakpoints.

Deleting Breakpoints

break delete anIndex
Deletes the breakpoint identified by anIndex in the break list command.

break delete all
Deletes all currently set breakpoints.


topaz 1> break method GsFile nextLine

Establishes a breakpoint at step point 1 of the instance method nextLine for GsFile.

topaz 1> break classmethod GsFile openRead: @ 2

Establishes a breakpoint at step point 2 of the class method openRead: for GsFile.

topaz 1> set class Stringtopaz 1> break method ^ < @ 2

Establishes a breakpoint at step point 2 of the instance method “<” for the current
class (String).

topaz 1> break list
1: GsFile >> nextLine @ 1
2: GsFile class >> openRead: @ 2
3: String >> < @ 2
topaz 1> break disable 2
topaz 1> break list
1: GsFile >> nextLine @ 1
2: GsFile class >> openRead: @ 2 (disabled)
3: String >> < @ 2
topaz 1> break enable 2
topaz 1> break list
1: GsFile >> nextLine @ 1
2: GsFile class >> openRead: @ 2
3: String >> < @ 2
topaz 1> break delete 1
topaz 1> break list
2: GsFile class >> openRead: @ 2
3: String >> < @ 2
topaz 1> break delete all
topaz 1> break list
No breaks set


category: aCategoryName

Sets the current category, the category for subsequent method compilations. If you try to compile a method without first selecting a category, the new method is inserted in the default category “as yet unspecified.” This command has the same effect as the set category: command.

If the category you name doesn’t already exist, Topaz creates it when you first compile a method. If you wish to include spaces in the category name you specify, enclose the category name in single quotes.

Specifying a new class with set class does not change your category. However, when you edit or fileout a method, that method’s category becomes the current category.

The current category is cleared by the logout, login, and set session commands.

topaz 1> category: Accessing
topaz 1> category: 'Public Methods'


classmethod [: aClassName]

Compiles a class method for the class whose name is given as a parameter. The class of the method you compile is automatically selected as the current class. If you don’t supply a class name, the method is compiled for the current class (as defined by the most recent set class:, list categoriesin:, method:, classmethod:, removeAllMethods, removeAllClassMethods, or fileout class: command).

Text of the method should follow this command on subsequent lines. The method text is terminated by the first line that contains a % character as the first character in the line. For example:

topaz 1> classmethod: Animal
	^String new

Topaz sends the method’s text to GemStone for compilation and inclusion in the current category of the specified class. If you haven’t yet selected a current category, the new method is inserted in the default category “as yet unspecified.”


Ends the current GemStone transaction and stores your changes in the repository.

This command cannot be abbreviated.


continue [anObjectSpec]

c [anObjectSpec]

Attempts to continue GemStone Smalltalk execution on the active call stack after encountering a breakpoint, a pause message, or a user-defined error. The call stack becomes active, and the continue command becomes accessible, when you execute GemStone Smalltalk code containing a breakpoint.

Attempts to continue execution.

continue anObjectSpec
Replaces the value on the top of the stack with anObjectSpec and attempts to continue execution.

The argument anObjectSpec can be specified using any of the formats described in Specifying Objects.

For more information about breakpoints, see the discussion of the break command here, or see Chapter 2, “Debugging Your GemStone Smalltalk Code”.

For information about replacing the value on the top of the stack, see the GciContinueWith function in the GemBuilder for C Manual

For information about Object’s pause method, see the method comments for Object>>pause.

For information about user-defined errors, see the discussion of error-handling in the Programming Guide for GemStone/S 64 Bit. User manuals for the GemStone interfaces, such as GemBuilder for Smalltalk, also contain discussions of error-handling.


Like run, but sets flags so that execution will stop at the first step point within the source text. The text following the debugrun, and up to the first line that contains a % as the first character in the line, is sent to GemStone for execution as GemStone Smalltalk code.

Execution stops at the first step point within this code, and you may use the STEP command (page 149) to step through execution.

For example:

topaz 1> debugrun
Time now
a Breakpoint occurred (error 6002), Single-step breakpoint encountered.
1 1 Executed Code                                 @1 line 1
topaz 1> step 
a Breakpoint occurred (error 6002), Single-step breakpoint encountered.
1 1 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
topaz 1> step into
a Breakpoint occurred (error 6002), Single-step breakpoint encountered.
1 1 Time class >> now                             @2 line 1
topaz 1> step into
a Breakpoint occurred (error 6002), Single-step breakpoint encountered.
1 1 Time class >> now                             @3 line 9
topaz 1> step into
a Breakpoint occurred (error 6002), Single-step breakpoint encountered.
1 1 DateAndTime class (DateAndTimeANSI class) >> now @2 line 1

See Chapter 2, “Debugging Your GemStone Smalltalk Code”, for more information on breakpoints and debugging code.

debugrun cannot be abbreviated, it must be typed in full


define [aVarName [anObjectSpec [aSelectorOrArg]...]]

Defines local Topaz variables that allow you to refer to objects in commands such as send and object.

All Topaz object specification formats (as described in Specifying Objects) are legal in define commands.

Lists all current local variable definitions.

define aVarName
Deletes the definition of the variable aVarName.

define aVarName anObjectSpec aSelectorOrArg ...
Sends a message to the object specified by anObjectSpec, and saves the result as a local variable with the name aVarName. The variable name aVarName must begin with a letter (a..z) or an underscore, can be up to 255 characters in length, and cannot contain white space.

topaz 1> define CurrentSessions System currentSessionNames
topaz 1> define UserId myUserProfile userId

Topaz tries to interpret all command line tokens following anObjectSpec as a message to the specified object.


disassem[aClassParameter] aParamValue

The disassem command allows you to disassemble the specified GsNMethod, displaying the assembly code instructions.

The disassem command is intended for use in a linked (topaz -l) session only. If the session is remote, the output goes to stdout of the remote Gem, which is the gem log.

disassem @anOop
Disassemble the method or code object with the specified oop.

disassem method: aSelectorSpec
Disassemble the specified instance method for the class previous set by the set class command.

disassem classmethod: aSelectorSpec
Disassemble the specified class method for the class previous set by the set class command.


display aDisplayFeature

The display and omit commands control the display of Gemstone Smalltalk objects and other features related to output.

The display command turns on these display attributes, and the omit command turns them off.;


display oops
For each object, displays a header containing the object’s OOP (a 64-bit unsigned integer), the object’s size (the sum of its named, indexed, and unordered instance variable fields), and the OOP of the object’s class.

Default: omit oops


display bytes
When displaying string objects, includes the hexadecimal value of each byte.

Default: omit bytes


display classoops
If display oops is set, enables the display of OOPs of classes along with class names in object display. Also causes the OOPs of classes to be printed by stack display and method lookup commands, and enables the printing of evaluation temporary objects in stack frame printouts from the frame command.

Default: omit classoops


display flushoutput
enables immediate flushing of topaz output files other than stdout. display flushoutput causes an fflush() call to be made to each active topaz log file (files specified by output push) other than stdout, after each line of topaz output is written. This allows a tail -f to have a more up-to-date view of a topaz output file.

Default: omit flushoutput


display errorcheck
Allows Topaz programs to automatically record the results of error checking. Using this command creates the ./topazerrors.log file or opens the file to append to it, if it already exists.

As long as display errorcheck is set, every time ErrorCount is incremented, a summary of the error is added to topazerrors.log. The summary includes the line number in the Topaz output file, if possible. If the only output file open is stdout, then line numbers are not available. To close the topazerrors.log file, use the omit errorcheck command. Subsequent results are not recorded.

Default: omit errorcheck


display lineeditor
Enables the use of the Topaz line editor, using the open source linenoise library. This is not available on Windows.

The number of lines of history kept for the lineeditor is controlled using the set history command (page 140).

The status command includes one of the followings lines to indicate if the lineeditor is in use:

using line editor
not using line editor

Default: display lineeditor


display names
For each of an object’s named instance variables, displays the instance variable name along with its value.

When instance variable name display is off, named instance variables appear as i1, i2, i3, and so on.

Default: display names


display pauseonerror
When an error occurs, if Topaz is receiving input from a terminal, displays the message:

Execution has been suspended by a "pause" message.
Topaz pausing after error, type <return> to continue, ctl-C to quit ? 

and waits for the user to press the Return key to continue execution. Pressing Ctrl-C ends the pause and stops the processing of input files altogether.

If display resultCheck is also set, then Topaz only pauses when the result or error is contrary to the current resultCheck, expectvalue, and expecterror settings.

The status command includes one of the followings lines to indicate status of this attribute:

display interactive pause on errors
omit interactive pause on errors

Default: omit pauseonerror


display pauseonwarning
When a compiler warning occurs, and if the topaz stdin is from a terminal, then write a message "Pausing after warning ..." to stdout, and wait for an end of line on stdin before continuing topaz execution. A ctl-C on stdin will terminate the pause and terminate further processing of input files.

The status command includes one of the followings lines to indicate status of this attribute:

display interactive pause on warnings
omit interactive pause on warnings

Default: omit pauseonwarning


display pushonly
Enables the effect of the only keyword in an object push command. To disable this effect, use the omit pushonly command.

Default: omit pushonly


display resultCheck
Allows Topaz programs to check input values and record the results. This command creates the ./topazerrors.log file or opens the file to append to it, if it already exists. Specifying display resultCheck is equivalent to setting expectvalue true, except that it affects the behavior of all run and printit commands, not only the next one.

As long as display resultCheck is set, every time ErrorCount is incremented, a summary of the error is added to topazerrors.log. This includes the line number in the Topaz output file, if possible. If the only output file open is stdout, then line numbers are not available. To close the file, use the omit resultCheck command. Then the results of a successful run or printit command will no longer be checked, unless an expectvalue command precedes the printit command.

Default: omit resultcheck


display stacktemps
enables the display of stack frames to include un-named evaluation temps which have been allocated by bytecodes within the method.

Default: omit stacktemps


display zerobased
Shows offsets of instance variables as zero-based when displaying objects. With display zerobased, offsets are zero-based, with omit zerobased, offsets are one-based.

Default: omit zerobased (offsets are one-based, as in Smalltalk) .


Sends the text following the doit command to the object server for execution and displays the OOP of the resulting object. If there is an error in your code, Topaz displays an error message instead of a legitimate result. GemStone Smalltalk text is terminated by the first line that contains a % as the first character in the line. For example:

topaz 1> doit
2 + 1
result oop is 26

The text executed between the doit and the terminating % can be any legal GemStone Smalltalk code, and follows all the behavior documented in the Programming Guide for GemStone/S 64 Bit.

If the configuration parameter GEM_NATIVE_CODE_ENABLED is set to FALSE, or if any breakpoints are set, execution defaults to interpreted mode. Otherwise, execution defaults to using native mode.

For details about GemStone configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide.

Note that doit always displays results at level 0, regardless of the current display level setting (here). The doit command does not alter the current level setting.


down [anInteger]

Moves the active frame down within the current stack, and displays the frame selected as a result. The optional argument anInteger specifies how many frames to move down. If no argument is supplied, the scope will go down one frame. See also stack down here.

The frame displayed includes parameters and temporaries for the frame, unlike the results displayed by stack down.

topaz 1> where
1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @6 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
==> 4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
6 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
8 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
topaz 1> down
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
    receiver 1
topaz 1> where
1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @6 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
==> 3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
6 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
8 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1


edit aSubCommandOrSelector [aSelector]

Allows you to edit GemStone Smalltalk source code. You can create or modify methods or blocks of code to be executed. You can also edit the text of the last run, printit, doit, method:, or classmethod: command.

Before you can use this command, you must first establish the name of the host operating system editor you wish to use. You can do this by setting the host environment variable EDITOR or by invoking the Topaz set editorname command interactively or in your Topaz initialization file.

Do not use the edit command for batch processing. Instead, use the method: and classmethod: commands to create methods in batch processes, and the run, printit or doit commands to execute blocks of code in batch.

If you supply any parameter to edit, other than one of its subcommands, Topaz assumes that you are naming an existing instance method to be edited.

Creating or Modifying Blocks of GemStone Smalltalk Code

edit last
Allows you to edit the text of the last run, printit, doit, method:, or classmethod: command. (You can inspect that text before you edit by issuing the Topaz command object LastText.) Topaz opens, as a subprocess, the editor that you’ve selected. When you exit the editor, Topaz saves the edited text in its temporary file and asks you whether you’d like to compile and execute the altered code. If you tell Topaz to execute the code, it effectively reissues your run or printit command with the new text.

edit new text
Allows you to create a new block of GemStone Smalltalk code for compilation and execution. This is similar to edit last, but with a new text object.

Creating or Modifying GemStone Smalltalk Methods

edit new
If you type edit new with no additional keywords, Topaz assumes that you want to create a new instance method for the current class.

edit new method
Allows you to create a new instance method for the current class and category. Before you can use this command, you must first use set class to select the current class. If you haven’t yet selected a current category, the new method is inserted in the default category, “as yet unspecified.”

edit new classmethod
Allows you to create a new class method for the current class and category. Before you can use this command, you must first use set class to select the current class. If you haven’t yet selected a current category, the new method is inserted in the default category, “as yet unspecified.”

edit selectorSpec

edit method: selectorSpec
Allows you to edit the source code of an existing instance method. Before you can use this command, you must first use set class to select the current class. The category of the method you edit is automatically selected as the current category. For example:

topaz 1> set class Animal
topaz 1> edit habitat

edits the instance method in class Animal whose selector is habitat.

edit classmethod: selectorSpec
Allows you to edit the source code of an existing class method. Before you can use this command, you must first use set class to select the current class. The category of the method you edit is automatically selected as the current category.


Displays the Topaz errorCount variable, which stores the number of errors made in all sessions since you started Topaz. This includes GemStone Smalltalk errors generated by compiling or a run or printit command, as well as errors in Topaz command processing.

If expecterror is specified immediately before a compile or execute command (run, printit, doit, method:, classmethod:, send, or commit) and the expected error occurs during the compile or execute, the ErrorCount is not incremented. The ErrorCount is not reset by login, commit, abort, or logout.

You can use the errorCount command at the topaz> prompt before you log in, as well as after login.

topaz> errorcount

It is equivalent to

topaz 1> object ErrorCount

except that errorcount does not require a valid session.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



Sends the text following the exec command to GemStone for execution as GemStone Smalltalk code, and displays the result.

The exec command, unlike related commands such as run and printit, accept text on the same line as the exec command itself, up to a % character on that line. If there is no % on the exec command line, subsequent lines are included as part of the Smalltalk code to be executed, up to a % character appearing as the first character in a line.

For example:

topaz 1> exec 2 + 2 %

The text executed between the exec and the terminating % can be any legal GemStone Smalltalk code, and follows the behavior documented in the Programming Guide for GemStone/S 64 Bit.

If there is an error in your code, Topaz displays an error message instead of a legitimate result.

If the configuration parameter GEM_NATIVE_CODE_ENABLED is set to FALSE, or if any breakpoints are set, execution defaults to interpreted mode. Otherwise, execution defaults to using native mode. For details about GemStone configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide.

Like run, exec uses the current display level setting (here).


exit[aSmallInt | anObjectSpec]

Leaves Topaz, returning to the parent process or operating system. If you are still logged in to GemStone when you type exit, this aborts your transactions and logs out all active sessions.

You can include an argument (a SmallInteger, or an object specification that resolves to a SmallInteger) to specify an explicit exitStatus for the Topaz process. If you do not specify an argument, the exitStatus will be either 0 (no errors occurred during Topaz execution) or 1 (there was a GCI error or the Topaz errorCount was nonzero).

This command cannot be abbreviated.


If there have been no errors — either GemStone Smalltalk errors or Topaz command processing errors — in any session since you started Topaz, this command has the same effect as exit 0 (described here). Otherwise, this command has no effect.

This command cannot be abbreviated.


expectbug bugNumber value resultSpec [ integer ] | error errCategory errNumCls [ resultSpec [ resultSpec ]..]

Specifies that the result of the following execution results in the specified answer (either a value or an error). If the expected result occurs, Topaz prints a confirmation message and increments the error count.

The expectbug command is intended for use in self-checking scripts to verify the existence of a known error. Only one expectbug command (at most) can be in effect during a given execution. Topaz honors the last expectbug command issued before the execution occurs. Expectbug can be used in conjunction with the expecterror and expectvalue commands—an expectbug command does not count against the maximum of five such expecterror and expectvalue commands permitted.

bugNumber is a parameter identifying the bug or behavior you expect to see. In most cases this would be a number, but it can equally well be a character string. (If it contains white space, enclose the string in single quotes.) The parameter is included in the confirmation message.

resultSpec is specified as in the expectvalue command (described here).

errorCategory and errNumCls
are specified as in the expecterror command (described here).

For example, suppose you know that the ‘*’ operator has been reimplemented in a way that returns the erroneous answer ‘5’ for the expression ‘2 * 3’. You can use the expectbug command in a script to verify that the bug is present:

topaz 1> expectbug 123 value 5
topaz 1> printit
2 * 3

If the expected bug does not occur, Topaz checks for an expecterror or expectvalue command that matches the answer received. If it finds a match, Topaz displays a “FIXED BUG” message. If not, the error is reported in the same way the expecterror or expectvalue command would report it (“ERROR: WRONG VALUE” for example). If no expecterror or expectvalue commands are in effect, execution proceeds without comment.


expecterror anErrorCategory anErrorNumCls [anErrorArg [anErrorArg] ...]

Indicates that the next compilation or execution is expected to result in the specified error. If the expected result occurs, Topaz reports the error in the conventional manner but does not increment its error count and allows execution to proceed without further action or comment.

If the execution returns a result other than the expected error (including unexpected success), Topaz increments the error count and invokes any iferror actions that have been established.

Up to five expecterror or expectvalue commands may precede an execution command. If the result of the execution satisfies any one of them, the error count variable is not incremented. This mechanism allows you to build self-checking scripts to check for errors that can’t be caught with GemStone Smalltalk exception handlers.

Expecterror must be reset for each command; it is only checked against a single return value. Expecterror is normally used before the commands run, printit, doit, method:, classmethod:, commit, and send.You must also use it before executing continue after a breakpoint.

anErrorCategory must be a Topaz object specification that evaluates to the object identifier of an error category; normally, GemStoneError.

anErrorNumCls must be a Topaz object specification that evaluates either to a SmallInteger legacy error number, or to the object identifier of a subclass of Abstract Exception.

All Topaz object specification formats (as described in Specifying Objects) are legal in expecterror commands.

The following example shows an expecterror command followed by the expected error. Note that although the error is reported, the error count is not incremented.

topaz 1> errorcount
topaz 1> expecterror GemStoneError MessageNotUnderstood
topaz 1> printit
1 x
ERROR 2010 , a MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a
SmallInteger does not understand  #'x' (MessageNotUnderstood)
topaz 1> errorcount

If execution returns unanticipated results, Topaz prints a message (in this example, “ERROR: WRONG CLASS of Exception”), then invokes the actions established by the iferror command (in this example, a stack dump) and bumps the error count:

topaz 1> errorcount
topaz 1> iferror where
topaz 1> expecterror GemStoneError MessageNotUnderstood
topaz 1> printit
1 / 0
ERROR 2026 , a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026),
reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, attempt to divide 1 by zero (ZeroDivide)
ERROR: WRONG CLASS of Exception, does not match expected class
topaz > exec iferr 1 : where 
==> 1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
6 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
topaz 1> errorcount

Further arguments to EXPECTERROR

In addition to the error category and class, you may optionally specify additional arguments. The expecterror argument values are tested against the argument values returned with the error. If one or more of the argument values do not match, errorcount is incremented. .

In additional to standard object specification formats, you may use additional formats to specify instances of classes as error arguments:

%className An instance of the class className.

/className An instance of the class className or an instance of any of its subclasses. (In other words, an instance of a ‘kind of’ className.)

If anErrorArg is a literal object specification (described here), Topaz regards it as matching the result if the two are equal (=).

If anErrorArg is an object identity specification (described here), Topaz regards it as matching the result if the two are identical (==).

You may omit arguments, which will not count as an error. If you specify more expecterror arguments than the actual error returns, then errorcount will be incremented. To match any error argument, use /Object.

For example:

topaz 1> errorcount
topaz 1> expecterror GemStoneError OffsetError %Array 3 6
topaz 1> run
   (Array new: 3) at: 6
ERROR 2003 , a OffsetError occurred (error 2003),
reason:objErrBadOffsetIncomplete, max:3 actual:6 (OffsetError)
topaz 1> errorcount


expectvalue anObjectSpec [anInt]

Indicates that the result of the following compilation or execution is expected to be a specified value, denoted by anObjectSpec. If it is not, the error count is incremented. Up to five expectvalue or expecterror commands may precede an execution command. If the result of the execution satisfies any one of them, the error count variable is not incremented.

Expectvalue must be reset for each command; it is only checked against a single return value. Expectvalue is normally used before the commands run, printit, doit, method:, classmethod:, commit, and send. You must also use it before executing continue after a breakpoint.

All Topaz object specification formats (as described in Specifying Objects”) are legal in expectvalue commands. In addition, this command takes further formats that allow you to specify instances of classes:

An instance of the class className.

An instance of the class that has the OOP OOPOfClass.

An instance of the class className or an instance of any of its subclasses. (In other words, an instance of a ‘kind of’ className.)

An instance of the class that has the OOP OOPOfClass, or an instance of any of its subclasses.

If the argument is a literal object specification (literalObjectSpec), Topaz regards it as matching the result if the two are equal (=).

If the argument is an object specification (ObjectSpec), Topaz regards it as matching the result if the two are identical (==).

If the anInt argument is present, the result of sending the method size to the result of the following execution must be the integer anInt.

The commit command has an internal result of true for success and false for failure. All other Topaz commands have an internal result of true for success and @0 for failure.

The following example uses expectvalue to test that the result of the printit command is a SmallInteger. The expected result is returned, so execution proceeds without comment:

topaz 1> expectvalue %SmallInteger
topaz 1> printit
2 * 5

If execution returns unanticipated results, Topaz prints a message (in this example, “ERROR: WRONG VALUE”), then invokes the actions established by the iferror command (in this example, a stack dump) and bumps the error count:

topaz 1> errorcount
topaz 1> iferror stack
topaz 1> expectvalue %SmallInteger
topaz 1> printit
2 * 5.5
ERROR: WRONG VALUENow executing the following command saved from "iferror":
Stack is not active
topaz 1> errorcount


fileformat 8bit | utf8

This command controls the interpretation of Character data for input and fileout, to allow strings containing Characters with codepoints over 255 to be input and output.

This is meaningful if you are using text that contains any Characters with values over 127. Characters 127 and below are 7-bit, and the code points are the same as the UTF-8 encoded values, and so are not affected by this setting.

Characters in the range of 128-255 can be read and written with their 8-bit codepoints, or read and written encoded as UTF-8; these produce different results. So if such text is written as UTF8, it must be read in with a fileformat of UTF8 in order to get correct results, and similarly both written and read as 8-bit in order to recreate the same text.

To avoid misinterpretation of fileouts, the fileout command writes a fileformat command at the start of the fileout. A fileformat command within a file only has effect within that file and any nested files.

Note that this setting does not apply to files produced by the output command. output push, etc. write files in UTF-8 format, regardless of the setting for fileformat.

The following options are supported:


fileformat utf8
Sets the fileformat to UTF-8. Code that is filed out using fileout is encoded in UTF-8, and files read using input are interpreted as being UTF-8 and are decoded accordingly.


fileformat 8bit
Sets the fileformat to 8-bit, for compatibility with older releases. Code that is filed out using fileout is not encoded. Fileout of code containing Characters with codePoints over 255 will error.

The default at topaz startup is 8BIT. After login, if the repository’s value for #StringConfiguration resolves to Unicode16, this will change the fileformat to UTF8.

Input from stdin that is a tty is always interpreted as UTF-8; , changing the FILEFORMAT of a tty stdin to 8BIT is not allowed.



fileout [command] clsOrMethod [tofile: filename
[format: fileformat]]

Writes out class and method information in a format that can be fed back into Topaz with the input command. Subcommands are used to specify whether to file out the entire class, or specific method or methods. If none of the defined subcommands follow the fileout, then the next word is assumed to be a selector for an instance method on the current class.

By default, the fileout command outputs the fileout text to stdout. To direct this to a file, follow the specification of what to fileout with the tofile: keyword. For example:

topaz 1> fileout class: Object toFile: object.gs

If you specify a host environment name such as $HOME/foo.bar as the output file, Topaz expands that name to the full filename. If the output file does not include an explicit path specification, Topaz writes to the named file in the directory where you started Topaz.

When using the tofile: keyword, you may also optionally specify the format: keyword. This must be either 8bit or UTF8, and specifies whether the file is written out in bytes, or encoded in UTF-8. This overrides the current topaz setting for fileformat.

All fileout output generated from the fileout command include commands setting the fileformat and set sourcestringclass, based on the current settings or the format: command.

fileout class: [aClassName]
Writes out the class definition and all the method categories and their methods. To write out the definition of the current class, type:

topaz 1> fileout class: ^

If you omit the class name parameter, the current class is written out.

The class that you file out becomes the current class for subsequent Topaz commands.

fileout category: aCategoryName
Writes out all the methods contained in the named category for the current class.

fileout classcategory: aCategoryName
Writes out all the class methods contained in the named category for the current class.

fileout classmethod: selectorSpec
Writes out the specified class method (as defined for the current class). The category of that method will automatically be selected as the current category.

fileout method: selectorSpec
Writes out the specified method (as defined for the current class). The category of that method will automatically be selected as the current category.

fileout selectorSpec
Writes out the specified method (as defined for the current class). You may use this form of the fileout command (that is, you may omit the method: keyword) only if the selector that you specify does not conflict with one of the other fileout keywords. For example, to file out a method named category:, you would need to explicitly include the method: keyword.


fr_cls [anInteger]

Similar to the frame command (described here), but also displays OOPs of classes along with class names in the specified stack frames.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



frame [anInteger]

Moves the active frame to the frame specified by anInteger, within the current stack, and displays the frame selected as a result. The display includes parameters and temporaries.

If no argument is supplied, displays the current frame.

See also stack scope here, the up command on here and the down command here.

For example:

topaz 1> printit
{ 1 . 2} do: [:x | x / 0 ]
ERROR 2026 , a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026),
reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, An attempt was made to divide 1 by zero. (ZeroDivide)
topaz 1> where
==> 1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @6 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
6 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
8 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
topaz 1> frame 4
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
    receiver 1
    aNumber 0
topaz 1> where
1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
==> 4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
6 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
8 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
topaz 1> frame 7
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
    receiver nil


gcitrace aFileName

Turns GCI tracing on. Subsequent GCI calls are logged to the file aFileName. If aFileName is '' (empty string), then turns GCI tracing off.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



help [aTopicName]

Invokes a hierarchically-organized help facility that can provide information about all Topaz commands. Enter ? at a help prompt for a list of topics available at that level of the hierarchy. Help topics can be abbreviated to uniqueness.

To display help text for fileout:

topaz 1> help fileout

To display help text for last:

topaz 1> help edit last

Press Return at a help prompt to go up a level in the hierarchy until you exit the help facility.



hierarchy [aClassName]

Prints the class hierarchy up to Object for the specified class. If you don’t specify a class, Topaz prints the hierarchy for the current class.


history [anInteger]

Displays the specified number of recently executed commands, as listed in the Topaz line editor history. Has no effect if the line editor is not enabled. (Not available on Windows.)

The set history command (here) establishes the maximum number of command lines to retain in the Topaz line editor history.


iferr bufferNumber [aTopazCommandLine]

The iferr command works whenever an error is reported and the ErrorCount variable is incremented.

This command saves aTopazCommandLine in the post-error buffer specified by bufferNumber as an unparsed Topaz command line. There are 10 buffers; bufferNumber must be a number between 1 and 10, inclusive.

The post-error buffer commands apply under any of the following conditions:

  • an error occurs (other than one matching an expecterror command and other than one during parsing of the iferr command)
  • a result fails to match an expectvalue command
  • a result matches an expectbug command

Whenever any of these conditions arise, any non-empty post-error buffers are executed. Execution starts with buffer 1, and proceeds to buffer 10, executing each non-empty post-error buffer in order.

If an error occurs while executing one of post-error buffers, execution proceeds to the next non-empty post-error buffer. Error and result checking implied by display resultcheck, display errorcheck, expectvalue, etc., are not performed while executing from post-error buffers.

If a post-error buffer contains a command that would terminate the topaz process, then later buffers will have no effect. If a post-error buffer contains a command that would terminate the session, execution later buffers will be attempted but they will not have a session, unless one of the contains “login”.

To remove the contents of a specific post-error buffer, enter iferr bufferNumber without a final argument. The command iferr_clear will clear all buffers.

The iferr_list command will display the contents of all post-error buffers.

The following example uses expecterror to test for an error returned by the printit command. If Topaz finds one, it displays the active call stack for debugging. That behavior is specified by making the Topaz stack command an argument on the iferr command line.

topaz 1> iferr 1 stack
topaz 1> expecterror GemStoneError MessageNotUnderstood
topaz 1> printit

This command cannot be abbreviated.



The iferr_clear command clears all the post-error command buffers.

For details on the post-error command buffers, see the iferr command here.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



The iferr_list command prints all the non-empty post-error command buffers.

For details on the post-error command buffers, see the iferr command here.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



iferror [aTopazCommandLine]


The iferror command saves aTopazCommandLine to the post-error command buffer 1, or when used without an argument, clearing buffer 1.

The command:

topaz 1> iferror stack

has the same effect as:

topaz 1> iferr 1 stack

For details iferr and the post-error command buffers, see here.

This command cannot be abbreviated.




implementors selectorSpec

Displays a list of all classes that implement the given selectorSpec (either a String or a Symbol). For example:

topaz 1> implementors asByteArray
Collection >> asByteArray
MultiByteString >> asByteArray
String >> asByteArray

This command is equivalent to the following:

topaz 1> doit
ClassOrganizer new implementorsOfReport: aString 

This command may use significant temporary object memory. Depending on your repository, you may need to increase the value of the GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter beyond its default. For details about GemStone configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide.


input [aFileName | pop]

Controls the source from which Topaz reads input. Normally Topaz reads input from standard input (stdin). This command causes Topaz to take input from a file or device of your choice.

If you specify a host environment name such as $HOME/foo.bar as the input file, Topaz expands that name to the full filename.

If you don’t provide an explicit path specification, Topaz looks for the named input file in the directory where you started Topaz.

input aFileName
Reads input from the specified file. This pushes the current input file onto a stack and starts Topaz reading from the given file. There is a limit of 20 nested input aFileName commands. If you exceed the limit, an error is displayed, and execution continues in the current file.

input pop
Pops the current input file from the stack of input files and resumes reading from the previous file. If there is no previous file, or the previous file cannot be reopened, Topaz once again takes its input from standard input.


inspect [anObjectSpec]

Sends the message describe to the designated object.

This command is equivalent to the following

topaz 1> send anObjectSpec describe%


Sends the text following the interp command to GemStone for execution as GemStone Smalltalk code, and displays the result.

If there is an error in your code, Topaz displays an error message instead of a legitimate result.

GemStone Smalltalk text is terminated by the first line that contains a % as the first character in the line. For example:

topaz 1> interp
2 + 2 

The text executed between the interp and the terminating % can be any legal GemStone Smalltalk code, and follows the behavior documented in the Programming Guide for GemStone/S 64 Bit.

This command is identical to the RUN command (page 135), except that the interp command does not use native code, the Smalltalk code execution is interpreted.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



level anIntegerLevel


Sets the Topaz display level; that is, this command tells Topaz how much information to include in the result display. A level of 1 (the default) means that the first level of instance variables within a result object will be displayed. Similarly, a level of 2 means that the variables within those variables will be displayed. Setting the level to 0 inhibits the display of objects (though object headers will still be displayed if you specify display oops). The maximum display level is 32767.

Note the following:


limit [bytes | oops | lev1bytes] anInteger

Tells Topaz how much of any individual object to display in GemStone Smalltalk results. The display can be limited by OOPs, to control the number of objects displayed (for example, the number of elements in a collection). It can also be limited by bytes, to control the number of bytes of byte objects, such as Strings, that are displayed.

For example, limit bytes 100 would tell Topaz to only display 100 bytes of any String (or other byte object).

A limit of 0 tells Topaz to not limit the size of the output. This is the default.

If the amount that would be displayed is limited by limit bytes setting, the display indicates missing text using ...(NN more bytes). If the number of objects is limited by a limit oops setting, then it prints ... NN more instVars.


limit anInteger

limit bytes anInteger
Tells Topaz how much of any byte object (instance of String or one of String’s subclasses) to display in GemStone Smalltalk results.

If anInteger is non-zero, then when displaying frame temporaries, or when displaying an object with a display level of 1 or greater, any byte-valued instance variable with a byte object value will be limited to one line (about 80 characters) of output. To display the full contents of that byte object (up to the limit set by anInteger), use the object command.

For debugging source code, we suggest limit bytes 5000.


limit oops anInteger
Tells Topaz how much of any pointer or nonsequenceable collection to display in GemStone Smalltalk results.


limit lev1bytes anInteger
When the topaz level is set to 1 or greater, this limit controls how many bytes to display of instVar values and frame temporaries. If lev1bytes is set to zero, then the value of "limit bytes" is used for instVar values and frame temporaries.


The list command is used in conjunction with the set and edit commands to browse through dictionaries, classes, and methods in the repository. The list command is also useful in debugging.

When no arguments are included on the command line, the list command lists the source code for the currently selected stack frame, as selected by the most recent up, down, or frame command.

Browsing Dictionaries and Classes

list dictionaries
Lists the SymbolDictionaries in your GemStone symbol list. This executes the GemStone Smalltalk method UserProfile>>dictionaryNames.

list classesIn: aDictionary
Lists the classes in aDictionary. For example,

topaz 1> list classesIn: UserGlobals

lists all of the classes in your UserGlobals dictionary.

list classes
Lists all of the classes in all of the dictionaries in your symbol list.

list categoriesin: [aClass]
Lists all of the instance and class method selectors for class aClass, by category, and establishes aClass as the current class for further browsing.

If you omit the class name parameter, method selectors are listed by category for the current class.

list icategories [className]
Lists all of the instance method selectors for the named class, by category. If you specify a class name, that class becomes the current class for subsequent Topaz commands. If you omit the class name parameter, lists the categories of the current class.

list ccategories: [className]
Lists all of the class method selectors for the named class, by category. If you specify a class name, that class becomes the current class for subsequent Topaz commands. If you omit the class name parameter, lists the categories of the current class.

list selectors
Lists selectors of all instance methods. May be abbreviated as list sel.

list cselectors
Lists selectors of all class methods. May be abbreviated as list csel.

Listing Methods

list selectorSpec

list method: selectorSpec
Lists the category and source code of the specified instance method selector for the current class. You can also enter this command as list imethod:.

For any method whose selector is the same as, or is some subset of, one of the list subcommands (for example, a method with the selector steps) you must explicitly include the method: keyword. For example:

	topaz 1> list method: steps						(not list steps)

list method: @anObjectSpec
Lists the category and source of the method with the given objectId. You can also enter this command as list imethod:.

list classmethod: selectorSpec
Lists the category and source of the given class method selector for the current class. You can also enter this command as list cmethod:.

list classmethod: @anObjectSpec
Lists the category and source of the method with the given objectId. You can also enter this command as list cmethod:.

Lists the source code of the active method context. See Chapter 2, “Debugging Your GemStone Smalltalk Code”.

list @anObjectSpec
Lists the source code of the GsNMethod or ExecBlock with the specified objectId. That method, or the block’s home method, becomes the default method for subsequent list or disassem commands.

Listing Step Points

list step
Lists the source code of the current frame, and display only the step point corresponding to the step point of the current frame.

list steps
Lists the source code of the current frame, and displays step points in that source code.

list steps method: selectorSpec
Lists the source code of the specified instance method for the current class, and displays all step points (allowable breakpoints) in that method. For example:

topaz 1> set class Stringtopaz 1> list steps method: includesValue:
	includesValue: aCharacter
 * ^1                                                *******
	"Returns true if the receiver contains aCharacter, false
	otherwise. The search is case-sensitive."
	<primitive: 94>
	aCharacter _validateClass: AbstractCharacter .
	 *            ^2                                     *******
	 ^ self includesValue: aCharacter asCharacter .
	 * ^5     ^4                        ^3               *******

You can use the break command to set method breakpoints before assignments, message sends, or method returns. As shown here, the position of each method step point is marked with a caret and a number. Each line of step point information is indicated by asterisks (*).

For more information about method step points, see Chapter 2, “Debugging Your GemStone Smalltalk Code”.

list steps classmethod: selectorSpec
Lists the source code of the specified class method for the current class, and displays all step points in that method.

Listing Breakpoints

You can use the break list command to list all currently set breakpoints. For more information about using breakpoints, see Chapter 2, “Debugging Your GemStone Smalltalk Code”.

list breaks
Lists the source code of the current frame, and displays the step points for the method breakpoints currently set in that method. Disabled breakpoints are displayed with negative step point numbers.

list breaks method: selectorSpec
Lists the source code of the specified instance method for the current class, and displays the method breakpoints currently set in that method. For example:

topaz 1> list breaks method: <
	< aCharCollection
	 "Returns true if the receiver collates before the
	argument. Returns false otherwise.
	The comparison is case-insensitive unless the receiver
	and argument are equal ignoring case, in which case
	 upper case letters collate before lower case letters.
	 The default behavior for SortedCollections and for
	the sortAscending method in UnorderedCollection is
	consistent with this method, and collates as follows:  
	#( 'c' 'MM' 'Mm' 'mb' 'mM' 'mm' 'x' ) asSortedCollection 
	 yields the following sort order:
	'c' 'mb' 'MM' 'Mm' 'mM' 'mm' 'x'
	<primitive: 28>
	aCharCollection _stringCharSize bitAnd: 16r7) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
     ^ (DoubleByteString withAll: self) < aCharCollection .
	aCharCollection _validateClass: CharacterCollection .
	*                 ^2                                *******
	^ aCharCollection > self

list breaks classmethod: selectorSpec
Lists the source code of the specified class method for the current class, and displays the method breakpoints currently set in that method.




For the method implied by the current stack frame, limit the list to the number of source lines defined by the set listwindow command. The list is centered around the current insertion point for the frame.

For example:

topaz 1> stk
==> 1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
6 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
8 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
topaz 1> frame 4
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
    receiver 1
    aNumber 0
topaz 1> listw
   / aNumber
   "Returns the result of dividing the receiver by aNumber."
   <primitive: 10>
   (aNumber _isInteger) ifTrue:[ 
     (aNumber == 0) ifTrue: [^ self _errorDivideByZero].
 *                                  ^6                                *******
     ^ Fraction numerator: self denominator: aNumber 
   ^ super / aNumber

The listw command cannot be abbreviated, other than by l.


literals anObject

Reports all methods in which anObject is contained as a literal reference. anObject is typically a String, Symbol, or Number.

Literals is equivalent to:

topaz 1> exec ClassOrganizer new literalsReport: anObject %


loadua aFileName

Loads the application user action library specified by aFileName. This command must be used before login.

This command cannot be abbreviated.

User action libraries contained user-defined C functions to be called from GemStone Smalltalk. See the GemBuilder for C manual for information about dynamically loading user action libraries.


Lets you log in to a GemStone repository. Before you attempt to log in to GemStone, you’ll need to use the set command—either interactively or in your Topaz initialization file—to establish certain required login parameters. The required parameters for network communications are:

set gemnetid:
name of the GemStone service on the host computer (defaults to gemnetobject for the RPC version (topaz command) or gcilnkobj for the linked version (topaz -l command)

set gemstone:
name of the Stone (repository monitor) process, including node and protocol information in the form of a network resource string, if necessary. Appendix B describes network resource string syntax.

set username:
your GemStone user ID.

set password:
your GemStone password. If you do not specify a password (for security reasons, for example), Topaz prompts you for it.

set hostusername:
your user account on the host computer. Required for the RPC version of Topaz or for RPC sessions spawned by the linked version.

set hostpassword:
your password on the host computer. Required for the RPC version of Topaz or for RPC sessions spawned by the linked version of Topaz. If you enter this command without a password, Topaz prompts you for it.

Topaz allows you to run your Gem (GemStone session), Stone (repository monitor), and Topaz processes on separate network nodes. For more information about this, see the discussion of set gemnetid and set gemstone.

If you are using linked Topaz (topaz -l), also note the following:

For more information about logging in to GemStone, see the description of set here. Also see Topaz Commands.


Logs out the current GemStone session. This command aborts your current transaction. Your local variables (created with the define command) will no longer have valid definitions when you log in again.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



If logged in, logs out the current GemStone session. If there is no current session, does not increment the Topaz error count.

As with the LOGOUT command (page 110), this command aborts your current transaction. Your local variables (created with the define command) will no longer have valid definitions when you log in again.

This command cannot be abbreviated.


lookup (meth | method | cmeth | cmethod) selectorSpec

lookup className [class] selectorSpec

The lookup command is used in conjunction with the set command to search upwards through the hierarchy of superclasses to locate the implementation of a given method. Related commands include senders and implementors.

The lookup command also accepts the text generated in stack frame, so you can copy and paste from a stack frame to lookup a method.

Finding and Listing Methods

lookup classmethod selectorSpec
Lists the source code of the specified class method for the current class, or searching the superclasses, the first superclass that implements this method. (May be abbreviated as lookup cmeth.)

lookup method selectorSpec
Lists the source code of the specified instance method for the current class, or searching the superclasses, the first superclass that implements this method. (May be abbreviated as lookup meth.)

topaz 1> set class Symbol
topaz 1> lookup meth match:
category: 'Comparing'
method: CharacterCollection
match: prefix
"Returns true if the argument prefix is a prefix of the
 receiver, and false if not.  The comparison is 
self size == 0 ifTrue: [ ^ prefix size == 0 ].
^ self at: 1 equals: prefix
%    [GsMethod objId 2198273]

lookup className selectorSpec
Lists the source code of the specified instance method for the given class, or searching the superclasses, the first superclass that implements this method. (The className argument may not be meth, method, cmeth, or classmethod.)

lookup className class selectorSpec
Lists the source code of the specified class method for the given class, or searching the superclasses, the first superclass that implements this method. (The className argument may not be meth, method, cmeth, or classmethod.)

Pasting from stack frames

When you are stepping through code or examining the call stack for an error, topaz displays stack frames containing the individual message sends. You can cut and paste the printed methods into the lookup command, to lookup the source code that was executed.

For example:

topaz 1> run
1 / 0
ERROR 2026 , a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026), reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, attempt to divide 1 by zero (ZeroDivide)
topaz 1> where
==> 1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
6 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1

select the section of the line after the frame number and before the step point, and use that as an argument to lookup:

topaz 1> lookup SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero  
    category: 'Error Handling'
method: Number
"Generates a divide by 0 error."
^ ZeroDivide new _number: 2026 ; reason: 'numErrIntDivisionByZero'; 
    dividend: self ;


method[: aClassName]

Compiles an instance method for the class whose name is given as a parameter. The class of the method you compile will automatically be selected as the current class. If you don’t supply a class name, the method is compiled for the current class, as defined by the most recent set class:, list categoriesin:, method:, classmethod:, removeAllMethods, removeAllClassMethods, or fileout class: command.

Text of the method should follow this command on subsequent lines. The method text is terminated by the first line that contains a % character as the first character in the line. For example:

topaz 1> method: Animal

Topaz sends the method’s text to GemStone for compilation and inclusion in the current category of the specified class. If you haven’t yet selected a current category, the new method is inserted in the default category, “as yet unspecified.”


Wait for and display the result of a previous nbrun call. This call may be preceded by a set session to switch to the session of an outstanding nbrun; otherwise, the current Topaz session is used.

May be immediately preceded by expectvalue or expectbug, provided that the expect commands contain only Integers or numerically coded OOPS (i.e. @NNN), so that no GemStone code is executed before the nbresult.

If the nbrun has compilation errors, those will be displayed by the nbresult. If there is no outstanding nbrun for the session the result is:

   [276 sz:0 cls: 76289 UndefinedObject] remoteNil

Note that nonblocking operations do block in linked sessions, and in a linked session the result with no outstanding nbrun is nil, not remoteNil.

This command is the equivalent of calling the GemBuilder for C function GciNbEnd.


Similar to run, but execution is nonblocking, so the application can proceed with non-GemStone tasks while the expression is executed. To get the results of the execution, use nbresult.

In a linked session, nbrun is blocking (necessarily). In this case a warning message is displayed. For example:

topaz 1> nbrun
Time now
Current session not remote, nbrun executing synchronously
topaz 1> nbresult

nbrun should not be immediately preceded by expect commands, since this command has no result. May be followed by a set session and another nbrun to start an execution in another session.

The text of this command is not accessible from edit last.

This command is the equivalent of calling the GemBuilder for C function GciNbExecute.


Similar to step, but execution is nonblocking. To get the results of the execution, use nbresult.

In a linked session, nbstep is blocking (necessarily). In this case a warning message is displayed.

Should not be immediately preceded by expect commands, since this command has no result. May be followed by a set session and another nbrun or nbstep to start an execution in another session.

This command is the equivalent of calling the GemBuilder for C function GciNbStep.



obj2 anObjectSpec

Equivalent to the object command, but with the following difference: results are displayed at level 1 (if obj1) or level 2 (if obj2), with offsets of instance variables shown as one-based. After execution, previous settings for level and omit|display zerobased are restored.

These commands cannot be abbreviated.


obj1z anObjectSpec

obj2z anObjectSpec

Equivalent to the object command, but with the following difference: results are displayed at level 1 (if obj1) or level 2 (if obj2), with offsets of instance variables shown as zero-based. After execution, previous settings for level and omit|display zerobased are restored.

These commands cannot be abbreviated.



object anObjectSpec [at: anIndex [put: anObjectSpec]]

Provides structural access to GemStone objects, allowing you to peek and poke at objects without sending messages. The first anObjectSpec argument is an object specification in one of the Topaz object specification formats. All formats described in Specifying Objects are legal in object commands.

You can use local variables (created with the define command) in object commands. The local definition of a symbol always overrides any definition of the symbol in GemStone. For example, if you defined the local variable thirdvar, and your UserGlobals dictionary also defined a GemStone symbol named thirdvar, the definition of that GemStone symbol would be ignored in object commands.

object anObjectSpec at:anIndex
Returns the value of an instance variable within the designated object at the specified integer offset. You can string together at: parameters after object to descend as far as you like into the object of interest.

As far as object at: is concerned, named and indexed instance variables are both numbered, and indexed instance variables follow named instance variables when an object has both. That is, if an indexable object also had three named instance variables, the first indexed field would be addressed with object theIdxObj at:4.

Unordered collections (NSCs) are also considered indexable via object at:.

object anObjectSpec at: anIndex put: anotherObjectSpec
Lets you store values into instance variables. This command stores the second anObjectSpec object into the first anObjectSpec object at the specified integer offset.

You cannot store into an NSC with object at: put:, although you can scrutinize its elements with object at:.

Because object at: put: bypasses all the protections built into the GemStone Smalltalk kernel class protocol, you risk corrupting your repository whenever you permanently modify objects with this command.

The following example shows how you could use object at: put: to store a new String in MyAnimal’s habitat instance variable:

topaz 1> object MyAnimal at: 3 put: 'pond'
an Animal
	name            nil
	favoriteFood    nil
	habitat        pond

Like object at:, the object at: put: command can take a long sequence of parameters. For example:

topaz 1> object MyAnimal at: 3 at: 1 put: $l

This example stores the character “l” into the first instance variable of MyAnimal’s third instance variable.

With this command you can store Characters or SmallIntegers in the range from 0—255 (inclusive) into a byte object. You can also store other byte objects such as Strings. For example:

topaz 1> object 'this' at: 5 put: ' and that'
this and that

The object at: put: command behaves differently for objects with byte-array and pointer-array implementations. You may store the following kinds of objects into byte-array type objects:

Character. This stores the character ‘9’:

topaz 1> object '123' at: 1 put: $9

SmallInteger. This stores a byte with the value 48:

topaz 1> object '123' at: 1 put: 48

Byte arrays. This stores ’b’ and ’c’ at offsets 2 and 3:

topaz 1> object '1234' at: 2 put: 'bc'


omit aDisplayFeature

The display and omit commands control the display of Gemstone Smalltalk objects and other features related to output.

The display command turns on these display attributes, and the omit command turns them off.;

For more details on these attributes and the default values, see DISPLAY.


omit bytes
When displaying string objects, do not include the hexadecimal value of each byte.


omit classoops
Disables the display of OOPs of classes along with class names in object display, stopping the effect of display classoops.


omit errorcheck
Disables automatic result recording, stopping the effect of display errorcheck. Closes the ./topazerrors.log file.


omit flushoutput
displays the immediate flushing of topaz output files other than stdout.


omit lineeditor
Disables the use of the Topaz line editor, stopping the effect of display lineeditor. Always disabled on Windows.


omit names
For each of an object’s named instance variables, do not display the instance variable’s name along with its value. When you have issued omit names, named instance variables appear as i1, i2, i3, etc.


omit oops
Do not display OOP values with displayed results.


omit pauseonerror
Disables pauses in Topaz execution after errors, stopping the effect of display pauseonerror.


omit pauseonwarning
Disables pause in Topaz execution after a compiler warning occurs.


omit pushonly
Disables the effect of the only keyword in an object push command, stopping the effect of display pushonly.


omit resultCheck
Disables automatic result checking, stopping the effect of display resultCheck. Closes the ./topazerrors.log file and stops checking the results of successful run, printit, etc. commands. You can still check the result of an individual run command by entering an expectvalue command just before it.


omit stacktemps
Disables effect of display stacktemps.


omit zerobased
Shows offsets of instance variables as one-based when displaying objects.To show offsets as zero-based, use the display zerobased command.



output [push | append | pushnew | pop] aFileName [only]

Controls where Topaz output is sent. Normally Topaz sends output to standard output (stdout): generally the topaz console. This command redirects all Topaz output to a file (or device) of your choice.

If you specify a host environment name such as $HOME/foo.bar as the output file, Topaz expands that name to the full filename. If you don’t provide an explicit path specification, Topaz output is sent to the named file in the directory where you started Topaz.

Output is written with UTF-8 encoding, regardless of the current state of FILEFORMAT.

As the command names push and pop imply, Topaz can maintain a stack of up to 20 output files, with current interactions captured in each file.

output aFileName

output push aFileName
Sends output to the specified file, as well as echoing to stdout. If the file you name doesn’t yet exist, Topaz will create it. If you name an existing file, Topaz overwrites it.

To append output to an existing file, precede the file name with an ampersand (&), or use append instead of push.

If you use output without a subsequent push, pushnew, append, or pop, then push is assumed and the following token is used as the filename.

The command push must be typed in full, it cannot be abbreviated.

output append aFileName
Sends output to the specified file, as well as echoing to stdout. If the file you name doesn’t yet exist, Topaz will create it. If you name an existing file, Topaz will append to it. This behavior is the same as output push &aFileName.

The command append must be typed in full, it cannot be abbreviated.

output pushnew aFileName
Sends output to the specified file, as well as echoing to stdout. If the file you name doesn’t exist, Topaz will create it. If you name an existing file, Topaz will create a new file. For a filenames of the form foo.out, the new filename will be foo_N.out, where where N is some integer between 1 and 100 (inclusive), and where foo_N.out did not previously exist. If more than 100 versions of the file exist, the oldest version will be overwritten.

The command push must be typed in full, it cannot be abbreviated.


The above output commands will send output to both stdout and the each file on the stack. Using the only command both limits output to only go to the specific named file, and turns off the echo of results to stdout.

output aFileName only

output push aFileName only

output append aFileName only

output pushnew aFileName only
Sends output to the specified file, but does not echo that output to stdout.


output pop
Stops output to the current output file (that is, the file most recently named in an output push command). The file is closed, and output is again sent to the previously named output file.

The command pop must be typed in full, it cannot be abbreviated.


pausefordebug [errorNumber]

Provided to assist internal debugging of a session.

With no argument, this command has no effect.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



pkglookup (meth | method| cmeth| cmethod) selectorSpec

pkglookup className [class] selectorSpec

Similar to the lookup command, but with one key exception: pkglookup looks first in GsPackagePolicy state, then in the persistent method dictionaries for each class up the hierarchy. The pkglookup command does not look at transient (session method) dictionaries.

For details, see the description of the lookup command here.


Sends the text following the printit command to GemStone for execution as GemStone Smalltalk code, and displays the result. If there is an error in your code, Topaz displays an error message instead of a legitimate result. GemStone Smalltalk text is terminated by the first line that contains a % as the first character in the line. For example:

topaz 1> printit 
2 + 2 

The text executed between the printit and the terminating % can be any legal GemStone Smalltalk code, and follows all the behavior documented in the GemStone/S Programming Guide.

If the configuration parameter GEM_NATIVE_CODE_ENABLED is set to FALSE, or if any breakpoints are set, execution defaults to interpreted mode. Otherwise, execution defaults to using native mode.

For details about GemStone configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide.

Note that printit always displays results at level 1, regardless of the current display level setting (here). The printit command does not alter the current level setting. The RUN command (page 135) displays according to the current level setting, and the DOIT command (page 70) displays results at level 0.


After this command, all subsequent method compilations during the current session must contain either a <protected> or <unprotected> directive.

Used for consistency checking in filein scripts.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



quit [aSmallInt | anObjectSpec]

Leaves Topaz, returning to the operating system. If you are still logged in to GemStone when you type quit, this aborts your transaction and logs out all active sessions.

You can include an argument (a SmallInteger, or an object specification that resolves to a SmallInteger) to specify an explicit exitStatus for the Topaz process. If you do not specify this argument, the exitStatus will be either 0 (no errors occurred during Topaz execution) or 1 (there was a GCI error or the Topaz errorCount was nonzero).

This command cannot be abbreviated.



Empty Topaz's internal buffer of object identifiers (the export set). Objects are placed in the export set as a result of object creation and certain other object operations. releaseall is performed automatically prior to each run, doit, printit, or send.

For more information, see the GemBuilder for C Manual. releaseall is equivalent to the GemBuilder for C call GciReleaseOops.



remark commentText

Begins a remark (comment) line. Topaz ignores all succeeding characters on the line.

You can also use an exclamation point (!) or pound sign (#) as the first character in the line to signal the beginning of a comment.

topaz 1>      remark this is a comment
topaz 1> ! another comment
topaz 1> #       and yet another one

Comments are important in annotating Topaz batch processing files, such as test scripts.


removeallclassmethods [aClassName]

Removes all class methods from the class whose name you give as a parameter. The specified class automatically becomes the current class.

If you don’t supply a class name, the methods are removed from the current class, as defined by the most recent set class:, list categoriesin:, method:, or classmethod: command.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



removeallmethods [aClassName]

Removes all instance methods from the class whose name you give as a parameter. The specified class automatically becomes the current class.

If you don’t supply a class name, the methods are removed from the current class, as defined by the most recent set class:, list categoriesin:, method:, or fileout class: command.

This command cannot be abbreviated.



Sends the text following the run command to GemStone for execution as GemStone Smalltalk code, and displays the result.

If there is an error in your code, Topaz displays an error message instead of a legitimate result.

GemStone Smalltalk text is terminated by the first line that contains a % as the first character in the line. For example:

topaz 1> run 
2 + 2 

The text executed between the run and the terminating % can be any legal GemStone Smalltalk code, and follows all the behavior documented in the GemStone/S Programming Guide.

If the configuration parameter GEM_NATIVE_CODE_ENABLED is set to FALSE, or if any breakpoints are set, execution defaults to interpreted mode. Otherwise, execution defaults to using native mode. For details about GemStone configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide.

The run command is similar to printit, with one significant difference. The run command uses the current display level setting (here), whereas printit always displays the result as if level 1 were the most recent level command.



send anObjectSpec aMessage

Sends a message to an object.

The send command’s first argument is an object specification identifying a receiver. The object specification is followed by a message expression built almost as it would be in GemStone Smalltalk, by mixing the keywords and arguments. For example:

topaz 1> level 0
topaz 1> send System myUserProfile
a UserProfile
topaz 1> send 1 + 2
topaz 1> send @10443 deleteEntry: @33234

There are some differences between send syntax and GemStone Smalltalk expression syntax. Only one message send can be performed at a time with send. Cascaded messages and parenthetical messages are not recognized by this command. Also, each item must be delimited by one or more spaces or tabs.

All Topaz object specification formats (as described in Specifying Objects) are legal in send commands.

If the configuration parameter GEM_NATIVE_CODE_ENABLED is set to FALSE, or if any breakpoints are set, execution defaults to interpreted mode. Otherwise, execution defaults to using native mode.

For details about GemStone configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide.



senders selectorSpec

Displays a list of all classes that are senders of the given selectorSpec (either a String or a Symbol). For example:

topaz 1> senders asByteArray
ByteArray >> copyReplaceAll:with:
ByteArray >> copyReplaceFrom:to:with:

This command is equivalent to the following

topaz 1> doit
ClassOrganizer new sendersOfReport: aString 

This command may use significant temporary object memory. Depending on your repository, you may need to increase the value of the GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter beyond its default. For details about GemStone configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide.


set aTopazParameter [aParamValue]

The set command allows you to set session-specific values for your topaz session. This includes the GemStone login parameters, and settings that affect your topaz user interface.

You can combine two or more set items on one command line, and you can abbreviate token names to uniqueness. For example:

topaz 1> set gemstone gs64stone user DataCurator


set cachename: aString
This option is valid for linked sessions only, not for RPC sessions. The colon is not required.

Sets the name that will be used for this session in cache statistics collected by statmonitor. Setting the name prior to login allows statistics to be collected and displayed under a single meaningful name, rather than being split between the initial default name and a later meaningful name assigned using System class >> cacheName:.


set category: aCategory
Sets the current category, the category for subsequent method compilations. You must be logged in to use this command. If you try to compile a method without first selecting a category, the new method is inserted in the default category “as yet unspecified.” The set category: command has the same effect as the category: command.

If the category you name doesn’t already exist, Topaz will create it when you first compile a method.

Specifying a new class with set class does not change your category. However, when you edit or fileout a method, that method’s category becomes the current category.

The current category is cleared by the logout, login, and set session commands.


set class: aClassName
Sets the current class. You must be logged in to use this command. After setting the current class, you can list its categories and methods with the list categories command. You can select a category to work with through either the set category: or category: command.

The current class may also be redefined by the list categoriesin:, method:, classmethod:, removeAllMethods, removeAllClassMethods, and fileout class: commands.

The current class is cleared by the logout, login, and set session commands.

To display the name of the current class, issue the set class command without a class name.


set compile_env: anInteger
Not normally used in Smalltalk. Sets the compilation environmentId used for method complications and run, printit, etc. anInteger must be between 0 and 255 and is 0 by default.


set editorname: aHostEditorName
Sets the name of the editor you want to use in conjunction with the edit command. For example:

topaz 1> set editorname: vi

The default is set from your $EDITOR environment variable, if it is defined.


set gemnetid: aServiceName
is a network resource string specifying the name of the GemStone service (that is, the host process to which your Topaz session will be connected) and its host computer.

For the RPC version of Topaz the default gemnetid parameter is gemnetobject, which is the GemStone service name in most GemStone installations. You may also use gemnetdebug or your own custom gem service. RPC versions of Topaz cannot start linked sessions.

For linked Topaz (started with topaz -l), the default gemnetid is gcilnkobj. Use the status command to verify that this parameter is gcilnkobj or ''. This makes the first session to log in a linked session. It is only possible to have one linked session per topaz process.

If gemnetid is set to a gem service such as gemnetobject, topaz -l starts RPC sessions. In this case, the lowest number for the prompt is topaz 2>, because topaz 1> is reserved for a linked session. Note that when you login an RPC session that way, the configuration parameters reported for the linked session do not apply; the rules governing configuration parameters for RPC sessions take effect.

After you start an RPC session, you can still start a linked session by resetting the gemnetid to an empty string:

	set gemnetid: ''

This only applies if you started linked topaz (topaz -l). topaz -r cannot start linked sessions.

You can run your GemStone session (Gem), repository monitor (Stone) process, and your Topaz processes on separate nodes in your network. The one exception is the linked Topaz session, when Topaz and the Gem run as a single process. Network resource strings allow you to designate the nodes on which the Gem and Stone processes run. For example, a Gem process called gemnetobject on node lichen could be described in network resource string syntax as:


To specify a Gem running on the current node, omit the node portion of the string, and specify only the Gem name: gemnetobject. Appendix B describes network resource string syntax.


set gemstone: aGemStoneName
Specifies the name of the GemStone you want to log in to. The standard name is gs64stone.

You can run your GemStone session (Gem), repository monitor (Stone) process, and your Topaz processes on separate nodes in your network. The one exception is the linked Topaz session, when Topaz and the Gem run as a single process. Network resource strings allow you to designate the nodes on which the Gem and Stone processes run. For example, a Stone process called gs64stone on node lichen could be described in network resource string syntax as:


To specify a Stone running on the same node as the Gem, omit the node portion of the string, and specify only the Stone name: gs64stone. Appendix B describes network resource string syntax.


set history: anInt
Sets the history size of the Topaz line editor. The argument anInt may be between 0 and 1000, inclusive. Not available on Windows.


set hostpassword: aPassword
Sets the host password to be used when you next log in. If you don’t include the host password on the command line, Topaz prompts you for it. Prompted input taken from the terminal is not echoed. This lets you put a set hostpassword: command in your Topaz initialization file so that Topaz automatically prompts you for your password. Note, however, that this command must follow the set hostusername: command.

For a linked Topaz session, set hostpassword has no effect, because no separate Gem process is created on the host computer. The password is required, however, if you spawn new sessions while you are running linked Topaz, because the additional sessions are always RPC Topaz.


set hostusername: aUsername
Sets the account name you use when you log in to the host computer. When you run Topaz, a Gem (GemStone session) process is started on the host computer specified by the set gemnetid: command. The set hostusername: command tells Topaz which account you want that process to run under.

To clear the hostusername field, enter:

topaz 1> set hostusername *

For a linked Topaz session, set hostusername has no effect, since no separate Gem process is created on the host computer.)


set inconversion
For use only by repository upgrade scripts in $GEMSTONE/upgrade. Sets the interal variable GciSupDbInConversion to TRUE .


set limit: anInt
Sets the limit on the number of bytes to display. The equivalent of limit bytes anInt


set listwindow: anInt
Defines the maximum number of source lines to be listed by the LISTW / L command (page 106).


set nrsdefaults: aNRSheader
Sets the default components to be used in network resource string specifications. The parameter aNRSheader is a network resource string header that may specify any NRS modifiers’ default values. The initial value of nrsdefaults is the value of the GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL environment variable. The Topaz status command shows the value of nrsdefaults unless it is the empty string.


set password: aGemStonePassword
Sets the GemStone password to be used when you next log in. If you don’t include the password on the command line, Topaz prompts you for it. Prompted input is taken from the terminal and not echoed. This lets you put a set password: command in your Topaz initialization file so that Topaz will automatically prompt you for your password. Note, however, that this command must follow the set username: command.


set session: aSessionNumber
Connects Topaz to the session whose ID is aSessionNumber. When you log in to GemStone, Topaz displays the session ID number for that connection. This command allows you to switch among multiple sessions. (The Topaz prompt always shows the number of the current session.)

If you specify an invalid session number, an error message is displayed, and the current session is retained.

This command clears the current class and category. After you switch sessions with set session, your local variables (created with the define command) no longer have valid definitions.


set sourcestringclass: ClassRangeSpecifier
Sets the class of strings used to instantiate Smalltalk source strings generated by the run, printit, doit, edit, method, and classmethod commands. This includes any literal strings in the evaluated code.

This command expects one argument, which must be String orUnicode16. The options are:

set sourcestringclass String
New instances of literal strings are created as instances of String, DoubleByteString, or QuadByteString.

set sourcestringclass Unicode16
New instances of literal strings are created as instances of Unicode7, Unicode16, or Unicode32.

The Topaz status command shows the current setting.

On topaz startup, sourcestringclass is set to String. On login, the setting will be updated from the setting for #StringConfiguration in the GemStone Globals SymbolDictionary. If #StringConfiguration resolves to Unicode16, then sourcestringclass will be set to Unicode16.

To avoid misinterpretation of fileouts, the fileout command writes a set sourcestringclass command at the start of the fileout. A set sourcestringclass command within a file only has effect within that file and any nested files.


set stackpad: anInt
Defines the minimum size used when formatting lines in a stack display. The argument anInt may be between 0 and 256, inclusive. (Default: 45)


set tab: anInt
Defines the number of spaces to insert when translating a tab (CTRL-I) character when printing method source strings. The argument anInt may be between 1 and 16, inclusive. (Default: 8)


set transactionmode aMode
Set the current session’s transaction mode, and set the transaction mode to this mode after each subsequent login. Must be one of (case-insensitive) autoBegin, manualBegin, or transactionless.

This command does an abort. If in a transaction, any uncommitted changes in the transaction will be lost. If the new mode is autoBegin, then a new transaction will be started.


set username: aGemStoneUsername
Establishes a GemStone user ID for the next login attempt.


shell [aHostCommand]

spawn [aHostCommand]

When issued with no parameters, this command creates a child process in the host operating system, leaving you at the operating system prompt. To get back into Topaz, exit the command shell by typing Control-D (from the UNIX Bourne or Korn shells), typing logout (from the UNIX C shell), or typing exit (from a DOS shell).

For example, on Windows:

topaz 2> shell
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
C:\GS64\32> dir *.txt
 Volume in drive C is Windows7_OS
 Volume Serial Number is 9ECC-468B
 Directory of C:\GS64\32
02/11/2014  04:38 PM            54,298 open_source_licenses.txt
02/11/2014  04:38 PM             3,209 PACKING.txt
02/11/2014  04:38 PM               104 version.txt
               3 File(s)         57,611 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  135,272,591,360 bytes free

topaz 2>

On UNIX systems, a shell command issued without parameters creates a shell of whatever type is customary for the user account (C, Bourne, or Korn).

If you supply parameters on the shell command line, they pass to a subprocess as a command for execution, and the output of the command is shown.

For example:

topaz 1> shell startnetldi -v
startnetldi 3.2.0 BUILD: 64bit-32623

When issued with parameters, shell always creates a shell of the system default type (either Bourne or Korn).

spawn is the same as shell, and is included for compatibility with previous versions.



stack [aSubCommand]

Topaz can maintain up to 500 simultaneous GemStone Smalltalk process call stacks that provide information about the GemStone state of execution. Each call stack consists of a linked list of contexts.

The call stack becomes active, and the stack command becomes accessible, when you execute GemStone Smalltalk code containing a breakpoint. The stack command allows you to examine and manipulate the contexts in the active call stack.

Debugging usually proceeds on the active call stack, but you may also save the active call stack before executing other code, and return to it later.

This command cannot be abbreviated.

Display the Active Call Stack

Displays all of the contexts in the active call stack, starting with the active context. For each context in the stack display, the following items are displayed:

  • the level number
  • the class of the GsNMethod
  • selector of the method
  • the environmentId (not used by Smalltalk)
  • the current step point (that is, assignment, message send, or method return) within the method
  • the line number of the current step point within the source code of the method
  • the receiver and parameters for this context.
  • the method temporaries (if display oops is active)
  • the OOP of the GsNMethod (if display oops is active)

The resulting display is governed by the setting of other Topaz commands such as limit, level, and display or omit.

Any further commands that execute GemStone Smalltalk code: run, printit, send, doit, step, edit last, or edit new text, discards the active call stack unless stack save is executed.

Here is an example of the stack display:

topaz 1> run
{ 1 . 2 } do: [:x | x / 0 ]
ERROR 2026 , a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026),
reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, attempt to divide 1 by zero (ZeroDivide)
topaz 1> stack
==> 1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25
    receiver a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026),
reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, attempt to divide 1 by zero
    handleInCextensionBool nil
    res nil
(skipped 1 evaluationTemps)
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
    receiver a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026),
reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, attempt to divide 1 by zero
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
    receiver 1
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
    receiver 1
    aNumber 0
5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
    self nil
    receiver anExecBlock1
    x 1
6 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10
    receiver anArray
    aBlock anExecBlock1
    i 1
(skipped 4 evaluationTemps)
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
    receiver nil
8 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
    receiver nil

stack anInt
Displays contexts in the active call stack, starting with the active context. The argument anInt indicates how much of the stack to display. For example, if anInt is 1, this command shows only the active context. If anInt is 2, this command also shows the caller of the active context, etc.

Display or Redefine the Active Context

stack scope
Displays the current context (Scope is an alternate older name for context or frame). For example:

topaz 1> stack scope
1 AbstractException >> _signalWith:  @6 line 25  

stack scope anInt
Redefines the active context within the active call stack and displays the new context. The integer 1 represents the current context, while the integer 2 represents the caller of the active context.

stack up
Moves the current context up one level toward the top of the stack and displays the new context.

stack down
Moves the current context down one level away from the top of the stack and displays the new context.

stack trim
Trims the stack so that the current context becomes the new top of the stack. Execution resumes at the first instruction in the method at the new top of the stack. If that method has been recompiled, stack trim installs the new version of the method. The new top of the stack must not represent the context of an ExecutableBlock.

For more about this, see the method comments for
GsProcess>>_trimStackToLevel: and

If the stack is trimmed, any resumption of execution will take place in interpreted mode.

Save the Active Call Stack During Further Execution

When you have an active call stack, and execute any of the commands run, printit, send, doit, edit last, or edit new text, it results in the current call stack being discarded.

stack save
Save the active call stack before executing any of the commands that normally clear the stack:.

stack nosave
Cancel the previous stack save.

Display All Call Stacks

stack all
Displays your list of saved call stacks. The list includes the top context of every call stack (stack 1). For example:

topaz 1> stack all
	0:  1 Animal >> habitat                   @1 line 1
	1:  1 AbstractException >> _signalWith:   @6 line 25
	*2:  1 Executed Code                       @3 line 1

The * indicates the active call stack, if one exists. If there are no saved stacks, a message to that effect is displayed.

Equivalent to threads (here)

Redefine the Active Call Stack

stack change anInt
Sets the active call stack to the call stack indicated by anInt in the stack all command output, and displays the top context of the newly selected call stack.

Equivalent to thread anInt (here).

For example:

topaz 1> stack all
 0:  1 Animal >> habitat                   @1 line 1
 1:  1 AbstractException >> _signalWith:   @6 line 25
*2:  1 Executed Code                       @3 line 1
topaz 1> stack change 1
Stack 1 , GsProcess 27447553
1 AbstractException >> _signalWith:        @6 line 25
topaz 1> stack all
 0:  1 Animal >> habitat                   @1 line 1
*1:  1 AbstractException >> _signalWith:   @6 line 25
 2:  1 Executed Code                       @3 line 1

Remove Call Stacks

stack delete aStackInt
Removes the call stack indicated by aStackInt in the stack all command output.

Topaz maintains up to eight simultaneous call stacks. If all eight call stacks are in use, you must use this command to delete a call stack before issuing any of the following commands: run, printit, send, doit, edit last, or edit new text.

Equivalent to thread anInt clear (here)

stack delete all
Removes all call stacks.


Displays your current login settings and other information about your Topaz session.

For example:

topaz 1> status
Current settings are:
 display level: 0
 byte limit: 0 lev1bytes: 0
 omit bytes
 display instance variable names
 display oops   omit classoops   omit stacktemps
 oop limit: 0
 omit automatic result checks
 omit interactive pause on errors
 omit interactive pause on warnings
 listwindow: 20
 stackpad: 45
 tab (ctl-H) equals 8 spaces when listing method source
 transactionmode  autoBegin
 using line editor
   line editor history: 100
   topaz input is from a tty on stdin
EditorName________ vi
CompilationEnv____ 0
Source String Class  String
fileformat			   8bit (tty stdin is utf8)
Connection Information:
UserName___________ 'Isaac_Newton'
Password __________ (set)
HostUserName_______ 'newtoni'
HostPassword_______ (set)
NRSdefaults________ '#netldi:gs64ldi'
GemStone___________ 'gs64stone'
GemStone NRS_______ '!#netldi:gs64ldi#server!gs64stone'
GemNetId___________ 'gemnetobject'
CacheName__________ (default)
Browsing Information:
Category__________ (as yet unclassified)

These settings are set to default values when Topaz starts, and may be modified using the SET command, DISPLAY and OMIT, and using individual commands such as LEVEL , LIMIT, and FILEFORMAT.


step (over | into | thru)

Advances execution to the next step point (assignment, message send, or method return) and halts. You can use the step command to continue execution of your GemStone Smalltalk code after an error or breakpoint has been encountered. For examples and other useful information, see Chapter 2, “Debugging Your GemStone Smalltalk Code”.

Equivalent to step over.

step over
Advances execution to the next step point in the current frame or its caller. The current frame is the top of the stack or the frame specified by the last frame, up, down, stack scope, stack up, or stack down command.

step into
Advances execution to the next step point in your GemStone Smalltalk code.

step thru
Advances execution to the next step point in the current frame, or its caller, or the next step point in a block for which current frame's method is the home method.


stk [aSubCommand]

Similar to stack, but does not display parameters and temporaries for each frame. All frames for the active call stack are displayed, with the current active frame indicated by an arrow.

For more information on s, see the stack command here.

This command cannot be abbreviated.

topaz 1> printit
{ 1 . 2} do: [:x | x / 0 ]
ERROR 2026 , a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026), reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, An attempt was made to divide 1 by zero. (ZeroDivide)
topaz 1> stk
==> 1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @6 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
6 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
8 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1


strings selectorSpec

Displays a list of all methods that contain the given selectorSpec (either a String or a Symbol) in their source string. Search is case-sensitive; for a case-insensitive search, see stringsic. This command cannot be abbreviated.

For example:

topaz 1> strings ChangeUserId
UserProfile >> privileges
UserProfile >> userId:password:
UserProfile >> _privileges
UserProfileSet >> _oldUserId:newUserId:for:

The strings command is equivalent to the following:

topaz 1> doit

ClassOrganizer new strings: aString


This command may use significant temporary object memory. Depending on your repository, you may need to increase the value of the GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter beyond its default.For details about GemStone configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide.


stringsic selectorSpec

Displays a list of all methods that contain the given selectorSpec (either a String or a Symbol) in their source string. Search is case-insensitive; for a case-sensitive search, see the strings command. This command cannot be abbreviated.

The stringsic command is equivalent to the following:

topaz 1> doit

ClassOrganizer new stringsIc: aString


This command may use significant temporary object memory. Depending on your repository, you may need to increase the value of the GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE configuration parameter beyond its default. For details about GemStone configuration parameters, see the System Administration Guide.


subclasses [aClassName]

Prints immediate subclasses of the specified class. If you don’t specify a class name, prints subclasses of the current class.

topaz 1> subclasses MultiByteString
topaz 1> set class DoubleByteString
topaz 1> subclasses


temporary [aTempName[/anInt] [anObjectSpec] ]

Displays or redefines the value of one or more temporary variables in the current frame of the current stack. For examples and other useful information, see Chapter 2, “Debugging Your GemStone Smalltalk Code”.

All Topaz object specification formats (as described in Specifying Objects) are legal in temporary commands.

Displays the names and values of all temporary objects in the current frame.

temporary aTempName
Displays the value of the first temporary object with the specified name in the current frame.

topaz 1> temporary preferences
preferences       an Array

temporary aTempName anObjectSpec
Redefines the specified temporary in the current frame to have the value anObjectSpec.

temporary anInt
Displays the value of the temporary at offset n in the current frame. Use this form of the command to access a temporary with a duplicate name, because temporary aTempName always displays the first temporary with the specified name.

temporary anInt anObjectSpec
Redefines the temporary at offset n in the current frame to have the value anObjectSpec.

For example, to view the temporary variable values:

topaz 1> break classmethod String withAll:
topaz 1> run
String withAll: 'abc'
a Breakpoint occurred (error 6005), Method breakpoint encountered.
1 String class >> withAll:        								@1 line 1
topaz 1> stack
==> 1 String class >> withAll:                      @1 line 1
    receiver String
    aString abc
2 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
    receiver nil
3 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
    receiver nil

and to modify the value of the temporary:

topaz 1> temporary aString 'xyz'
topaz 1> stack
==> 1 String class >> withAll:                      @1 line 1
    receiver String
    aString xyz
2 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
    receiver nil
3 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
    receiver nil

the method will return the modified value:

topaz 1> continue

When the Topaz command display oops has been set, temporaries displayed as .tN are un-named temporaries private to the virtual machine. The example below displays the temporaries used in evaluation of the optimized to:do:, both as shown by the frame command and by the temporary command.

topaz 1> run
| a | 
1 to: 25 do: [:j | a := j. a pause]
topaz 1> display oops
topaz 1> frame 5
5 Executed Code                      @4 line 2   [methId 25464833]
    receiver [20 sz:0 cls: 76289 UndefinedObject] nil
    a [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
    j [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
    .t1 [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
    .t2 [202 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 25 == 0x19
    .t3 [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
    .t4 [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
topaz 1> temporary
    a [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
    j [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
    .t1 [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
    .t2 [202 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 25 == 0x19
    .t3 [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
    .t4 [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1


thread [anInt] [clear]

Displays the currently selected GemStone process from among the stack saved from the last error, or from those retrieved by the most recent threads command.

topaz 1> thread
Stack 0 , GsProcess 27462401
1 Animal >> habitat                        @1 line 1

thread anInt
Changes the currently selected GemStone process. You can specify an integer value from among those shown in the most recent threads command.

topaz 1> thread 1
Stack 1 , GsProcess 27447553
1 AbstractException >> _signalWith:        @6 line 25

thread anInt clear
Clears the selected GsProcess from the Topaz stack cache.


threads [clear]

Force any dirty instances of GsProcess cached in VM stack memory to be flushed to object memory. It then executes a message send of

ProcessorScheduler >> topazAllProcesses

and retrieves and displays the list of processes.

topaz 1> threads
	0: 27462401 debug  
=> 1: 27447553 debug (topaz current) 
	2: 27444225 debug 

threads clear
Clears the Topaz cache of all instances of GsProcess.



The first execution of time during the life of a topaz process displays current date and time from the operating system clock, total CPU time used by the topaz process.

Subsequent execution of time will display in addition elapsed time since the previous time command, CPU time used by the topaz process since the previous time command.

The time command can be executed when not logged in as well as after login.

topaz 1> time
02/14/2014 12:12:37.612 PST
CPU time:   0.050 seconds
topaz 1> run
Array allInstances size
topaz 1> time
02/14/2014 12:12:57.082 PST
CPU time:   0.100 seconds
Elapsed Real time:  19.470 seconds
Elapsed CPU  time:   0.050 seconds



Cancels the effect of protectmethods, which is used for consistency checking in filein scripts.

This command cannot be abbreviated.


up [anInteger]

In the current stack, change the current frame to be the caller of the current frame, and display the new selected frame. The optional argument anInteger specifies how many frames to move up. If no argument is supplied, the scope will go up one frame.

The behavior is similar to stack up, except that stack up does not accept an argument, and the frame display for stack up does not includes parameters and temporaries for the frame. stack up is described here.

topaz 1> run
{ 1 . 2 } do: [:x | x / 0 ]
ERROR 2026 , a ZeroDivide occurred (error 2026),
reason:numErrIntDivisionByZero, attempt to divide 1 by zero (ZeroDivide)
topaz 1> where
==> 1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
6 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
8 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1
topaz 1> up 4
5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
    self nil
    receiver anExecBlock1
    x 1
topaz 1> where
1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
==> 5 [] in  Executed Code                          @2 line 1
6 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10
7 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
8 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1


where [anInteger | aString]

Displays the current call stack, with one line per frame.

Displays all lines of the current call stack. Equivalent to the stk command.

topaz 1> where
==> 1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @6 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7
4 SmallInteger >> /                             @6 line 7
5 Executed Code                                 @2 line 1
6 UndefinedObject (GsNMethod class) >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1

where anInteger
Displays the specified number of frames of the stack, starting with the current frame.

topaz 1> where 3
==> 1 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @6 line 25
2 ZeroDivide (AbstractException) >> signal      @2 line 47
3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7

where aString
Searches all frames in the current stack, and displays only those for which the output of where for that frame matches a case-sensitive search for aString anywhere in that frame's output (not including the frame number or ==> marker at the start of the frame's line). The current frame is set to the first frame matched by the search.

The string must not begin with a decimal digit, whitespace, or any of the three characters (' + -), and must not contain whitespace. To specify a string that contains digits or whitespace characters, enclose it in single-quotes. For example:

topaz 1> where error
==> 3 SmallInteger (Number) >> _errorDivideByZero   @6 line 7

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