12. Warm and Hot Standbys

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For high-availability production systems, it is a serious problem if the repository has an unexpected error and has to be shut down, or possibly require restore from backup. While such problems are rare, critical systems must be prepared.

For such systems, a second GemStone system can be kept running in parallel, so it can be brought into use with minimal downtime. GemStone provides several options for standby systems.

Warm Standby
describes a standby system in which entire transaction logs may be manually transmitted and restored into the standby system.

Hot Standby
describes how to setup processes to automatically transmit transaction log records as they are generated, and automatically restore the records into the standby

12.1  Overview

Customers with critical, high-availability systems may want to keep a duplicate of a production GemStone server running almost in parallel as a standby system. This duplicate continually runs in restore mode, restoring transactions from the production server. If anything goes wrong with the primary production server, the standby can be brought into use very quickly.

The production system is referred to here as the primary or master system. The standby system is also referred to as the slave system.

Following a failover, these roles change; the standby system becomes the master and users log in to perform work. Often the system that was previously the master, after correcting the problem that caused failover, is updated to become the new standby.

To operate a standby, the primary system must be running in full logging mode, as described under Logging Mode.

This chapter discuss how to set up the standby server and the process for restoring logs, which differ between warm and hot standbys. For general information about restoring backups and transaction logs, see How to Restore from Backup. This discussion assumes you are familiar with that procedure.

12.2  Warm Standby

With a warm standby, transaction logs from the primary system are manually copied to the standby system as each log is completed. The standby runs in restore mode, and restores each log as it is closed.

When failover is needed. the final transaction log from the primary is copied over and restored, and the standby system performs a commitRestore and is then available for use as the new primary server.

An important point to remember is that the transaction logs copied from the production server, called the archive logs here, must be kept separate from transaction logs created by the duplicate server. You can do that by using different log directories or different file name prefixes.

Setup and run the warm standby

Step 1. Install the duplicate server. It is best to do a complete GemStone installation on a second node.

Step 2. Decide on a naming convention or location that you will use on the duplicate server to keep the archive logs separate from those being created by the duplicate server itself. For instance, if both Stones use the default prefix of tranlog, you might copy tranlog123.dbf on the production server to $GEMSTONE/data/prodtranlog123.dbf on the duplicate server.

Step 3. Make an extent copy backup, or a full backup of the primary system. You’ll have to do this at least once, when you start this system; however, regular backups will simplify matters when you need to synchronize the primary and the standby systems.

Step 4. Copy the extent backups, or restore the full backup, into the duplicate server. If you use extent copies, use the -R option to start the Stone, which causes the Stone to enter restore mode. For instance, startstone -R.

Step 5. As each transaction log completes on the primary system, move the log to a file system accessible to the warm standby GemStone installation. Avoid moving these logs into the transaction log directory that the warm standby uses for its own transaction logs.

Wait several seconds after the new log is created before copying the old log, to ensure the completion of any asynchronous writes.

You can limit each transaction log to a tolerable amount of information either by limiting transaction log size or by starting a new log at regular time intervals:

  • Size-based: Limit the transaction log size, as described under Choosing the Log Location and Size Limit. When a transaction log grows to the specified limit, GemStone starts a new transaction log.
  • Time-based: On your primary system, run a script at regular intervals that terminates the current transaction log and starts a new one, using the method System class >> startNewLog.

Step 6. On the warm standby, restore the transaction logs as they are available.

Since the transaction logs for the primary are not in the STN_TRAN_LOG_DIRECTORIES of the standby, you will restore from an archive log directory for these tranlogs. You can restore from an archive log directory using one of the following methods:


The tranlogPrefix: argument allows you to use a different setting for STN_TRAN_LOG_PREFIX on the production and standby systems.

Since restoring transaction logs terminates the session, you will need to login for each restore. For example:

topaz> login
<details omitted>
successful login
topaz 1> printit
System restoreFromArchiveLogs: {'GS-archive'}.

Step 7. Repeat Step 5 and Step 6 as necessary.

You may find it necessary to shut down the standby from time to time. Ensure that you shut down the stone using stopstone. This does not affect the restore status.

Note that if the standby is not shut down cleanly (i.e. an unexpected shutdown), the restarted system has the status of its last checkpoint. You may need to restore tranlogs again that were previously restored.

Activate the warm standby in case of failure in the primary

Step 1. If the primary system fails, replay its latest transaction log on the standby system.

Step 2. On the standby server, send the message Repository>>commitRestore to terminate the restore process and enable logins.

Step 3. Client applications will have to reconnect to the standby system, which now becomes the primary system. Applications may have to perform their own failure recovery code as necessary, as well.

Design your application and configuration so that, after a failure occurs and the standby is activated, client applications can reconnect to the new primary correctly.

Step 4. Correct the problem on the failed system and restart it.

Depending on how much time has elapsed since the standby system became the primary system, either make a full backup of the new primary system and restore it on the system that failed, or replay the new primary system’s transaction logs on the system that failed. Maintain that system in restore mode as the new standby.

12.3  Hot Standby

A Hot Standby provides faster failover since it can always remain synchronized with the primary server. If failover is needed, all that is required is to stop tranlog transmittal and restore, perform the final commitRestore, and the repository is ready for use.

As with the warm standby, a backup of the primary (or master) repository is installed on a standby (or slave) system. Then, special processes run to transmit the transaction log records as they are generated on the primary system. Individual transaction records, rather than entire transaction logs, are transmitted in compressed form between the systems. The standby system runs in a special mode where it will continuously restore the transaction log records. As a result, the standby system can keep closely synchronized with the primary.

Precautions regarding tranlog sequences

Since the hotstandby process relies on a logical sequence of tranlogs, some care must be taken to avoid situations such as described under Fork-in-Time Scenario.

For example, if you restore from backup on the primary, you must make a new backup of the primary, and restore this into the hot standby. Likewise, you cannot restore a backup into both the primary and the standby, since this creates a fork in the logical sequence of tranlogs, regardless of the tranlog numbering. While in some cases the automated process that transmit and restore the transaction log records will detect this, there may be cases where the processes will appear to hang waiting for the correct logs.

Hot standby processes


The logsender process runs on the master system. It determines when new transaction records are available on the primary system, and sends these records in compressed form to the standby slave system.

The logsender process is started using the startlogsender utility command. When starting the logsender, you must specify:

  • The address and port to listen on for connections from a logreceiver on a slave system.
  • The name of the master stone, or the list of all directories or raw partitions containing transaction logs generated by the master system, to provide the complete set of transaction logs containing data to be transmitted.

There are other optional arguments. See startlogsender for more specific information on the arguments for this command.

A logsender continues to run when the associated master stone is shut down, and reconnects to the stone when the stone is restarted. Since it is continuously listening for connection requests from a logreceiver, the connection with the logreceiver can also be automatically reestablished after a disconnect, provided the logreceiver is running.

The logsender must be stopped explicitly using the stoplogsender utility command. See stoplogsender for more details.


The logreceiver process runs on the standby slave system. It receives transaction logs from the master system and writes them to a location where the slave stone can restore them.

The logreceiver process is started using the startlogreceiver utility command. When starting the logreceiver, you must specify:

  • The address and port that the logsender on the master system is listening on.
  • One or more directories to write incoming transaction logs from the master system. It is not recommended to use raw partitions.
  • the name of the slave stone. While technically optional, without this the logreceiver cannot notify the slave stone that new data has arrived.

There are other optional arguments. See startlogreceiver for more specific information on the arguments for this command.

A logreceiver continues to run when the associated slave stone is shut down, and reconnects to the stone when the stone is restarted. If the connection to the logsender is lost, the logreceiver will attempt to reconnect.

The logreceiver must be stopped explicitly using the stoplogreceiver utility command. See stoplogreceiver for more details on this command.

Continuous Restore Mode

A slave system in a hot standby runs in continuous restore mode. In this mode, it can restore individual transaction records as they become available.

To enter continuous restore mode, execute:

SystemRepository continuousRestoreFromArchiveLogs: anArrayOfRestoreDirectories

To exit continuous restore mode, execute:

SystemRepository stopContinuousRestore

You must be in restore mode before you can enter continuous restore mode, and executing stopContinuousRestore leaves the stone still in restore mode.

You may not execute the commitRestore, which exits from restore mode, without first exiting continuous restore mode.

Transaction Record Transmittal

The process that transaction records follow from the master to the slave is described in this section.

Figure 12.1   High-level sequence of operations and processes in a hot standby

As transactions are committed on the master stone, transaction log records are written to the transaction logs – this occurs for all GemStone systems. The logsender process is logged into the master stone and is aware when new transaction records are generated. The logsender also has an established connection with the logreceiver process. The logsender transmits the transaction log records in compressed form to the logreceiver.

The logreceiver accepts the transaction log records and writes them to the slave system’s directories for restore logs. The logreceiver is logged into the slave stone, and makes the slave stone aware that new transaction records are available for restore.

The slave stone is running in continuous restore mode, and restores the transaction records.

When a logsender or logreceiver is logged into a stone, or while a stone is in continuous restore mode, the stone cannot restore a full backup or restore tranlogs (using other restore methods), nor can it perform a commitRestore.

Multiple standby repositories

A given master stone may have multiple slave stones. Each slave system will have a separate logreceiver process running. The logsender on the master system can transmit data to up to 5 logreceiver processes.

To setup and run the hot standby

Step 1. Install the slave server. It is best to do a complete GemStone installation on a second node.

Step 2. Decide on a directory location that you will use on the slave server to keep for the logs transmitted from the master. This should be a separate directory or directories from the tranlog directories of the slave stone.

Step 3. Make an extent copy backup, or a programmatic full backup of the primary system. This must be a backup from the primary system; you cannot restore a backup into both the primary and standby, since restore creates a fork-in-time (Fork-in-Time Scenario).

You’ll have to do this at least once, when you start this system, and after each restore from backup or upgrade on the primary system. Regular backups will simplify matters when you need to synchronize the primary and the standby systems.

Step 4. Copy the extent backups to the slave system and start the stone using the startstone -R -N options; or start the stone on a clean extent and restore the full backup. The slave stone must be running in restore mode.

Step 5. Start the logsender process on the master system using the startlogsender utility.

Before starting the logsender, you will need to determine the set of directories that contain transaction logs on the master system. This will include all the entries in the master stone’s STN_TRAN_LOG_DIRECTORIES. If the master stone’s transaction logs are copied to another directory as part of an archive process, these archive directories may also need to be specified.

You will also need to select an port number that is unused on the master and slave systems for the logsender to listen on.

For example:

startlogsender -P 57222 -A masterListeningAddress -s masterStone

Step 6. Start the logreceiver process on the slave system using the startlogreceiver utility.

You will use the same port as the logsender, and the directory or directories you determined in Step 2

startlogreceiver -P 57222 -A masterNode
	-T /gemstone/masterTransLogs -s slaveStone

Step 7. Put the slave stone into continuous restore mode. To do this, log into the slave system and execute Repository >> continuousRestoreFromArchiveLogs:, passing in the list of directories you determined in Step 2 After entering continuous restore mode, this method will exit and you can log out.

Activate the hot standby in case of failure in the primary

In case of a failure in the master system, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Confirm that all tranlog records have been transmitted to the slave system, and that the slave system has restored all transaction log records.

To do this, provided the master system is operational, check the results of restoreStatus on the slave system, and compare this to the results of copydbf -i on the final tranlog on the master system.

Step 2. If the master system is operational, stop the logsender process on the master system using the stoplogsender utility command.

stoplogsender -P 57222

Step 3. On the slave server, stop the logreceiver process using the stoplogreceiver utility command.

stoplogreceiver -P 57222

Step 4. On the slave system, send the message Repository>>stopContinuousRestore to exit continuous restore mode, then Repository>>commitRestore to terminate the restore process and enable logins. The slave system is now ready for use as the new master.

Step 5. If you have changes in the configuration parameters for the slave system, you should reset these to the values that you want for the master, in the configuration file/s used by the former-slave system. Depending on the specific parameters, you may need to restart the former-slave system for these changes to take effect.

You will also need to enable any automated processes that you normally run on the master, such as monitoring, on the former-slave system.

Step 6. Client applications will have to reconnect to the former-slave system, which now becomes the primary system. Applications may have to perform their own failure recovery code as necessary, as well.

Design your client applications so that, after detecting a failure, they can determine which system is the new primary and reconnect correctly.

Step 7. Correct the problem on the failed former-master system and restart this as the new slave system.

You will need to make a fresh backup of the new master system and restore this into the new slave (the former master), prior to setting up the hot standby again.

Planned failovers

When you have a planned failover, there are additional steps you can take to ensure that all records have been transmitted, and stop new work from taking place on the master during the failover itself.

Step 1. On the master system, execute:

SystemRepository suspendCommitsForFailover

which will suspend commits and perform a checkpoint. This is the failover timestamp. At this point, no changes can be made in the master that will affect the transaction logs: commits are suspended, including garbage collection and other activities. This state persists across repository shutdown, until you execute
SystemRepository resumeCommits.

Step 2. On the slave system, when a transaction record of a checkpoint with a failover timestamp is received, the slave system will stop continuous restore. This ensures the slave has all records from the master, and no further work may be done on the master that could be lost.

At this point, you may perform the commit restore on the slave system and begin using that as your master system, and shut down the previous-master.

However, if the standby Stone was started up later than the transaction record containing a failover timestamp, it is not considered to be a failover scenario and the standby does not stop continuous restore. If you intend to do a planned failover, ensure that the slave stone is running before suspending commits for failover on the master system.

Connecting using SSL Mode

Generally, both master and slave nodes of a hot standby would be within your secure network, and benefit from the ease and performance of regular socket connections.

However, you may also configure the logsender-logreceiver connection to use SSL, if the network between your master and slave system is not secure.

When you run the hotstandby in SSL mode, you will need SSL credentials for both the logsender and logreceiver in order for them to connect.

SSL standard TLS v1.2 is used.

The SSL-specific arguments are optional, and include:

-C fileName

certificate in PEM format that will be sent to the peer upon request.

-J fileName

certificate authority (CA) file in PEM format to use for peer certificate verification.

-K fileName

private key in PEM format for the certificate (-C option).

-Q string

private key passphrase. Required if the -K option is used and the private key is encrypted.


enable SSL mode. Must be specified to use any other SSL options and must also be specified when starting the peer process.


Disable verification of the peer's certificate.

For example, to setup a logsender/logreceiver with certificate verification fully enabled, using the example certificates provided with the GemStone/S 64 Bit distribution:

startlogsender -A santiam.gemtalksystems.com -P 57222 -s masterStone 
-T $GEMSTONE/data 
-S -J $GEMSTONE/examples/openssl/certs/cacert.pem 
-C $GEMSTONE/examples/openssl/certs/server_1_servercert.pem
-K $GEMSTONE/examples/openssl/private/server_1_serverkey.pem 
-Q ax3vd1PI6tkQEaW9EliXW2Lbzm9qgOA1bcsDudngRAkdpA8ffwcVnA==
startlogreceiver -A santiam.gemtalksystems.com -P 57222 -s slaveStone
-T $GEMSTONE/masterTranlogs 
-S -J $GEMSTONE/examples/openssl/certs/cacert.pem 
-C $GEMSTONE/examples/openssl/certs/client_1_clientcert.pem 
-K $GEMSTONE/examples/openssl/private/client_1_clientkey.pem 
-Q rFjqh4Q71Bh+6mAH8U1tFJFvZUzZkUIyLY+7A7mU0bT450c9voEvWA==
Self signed certificates

By default, self-signed certificates will be rejected, because the certificate cannot be verified by a known certificate authority. To use self-signed certificates, the signer must be added to the CA list in the CA file (-J flag), or certificate verification must be disabled with the -V flag. Using -V effectively tells OpenSSL to ignore certificate errors. In this mode, communications between the logsender and receiver are encrypted, but the identities of the logsender and/or logreceiver have not been verified.

Added transaction logs to the master

If you anticipate the need to add transaction log directories or raw partitions to the master stone, use the -s stoneName argument rather than -T tranlogDir with startlogsender. The logsender will automatically pick up configured tranlogs for the Stone when -s is used. This includes transaction logs added dynamically using Repository >> addTransactionLog:size:.

12.4  Tuning a Warm or Hot Standby

The key consideration in tuning your standby system is keeping the standby as up-to-date as possible, so it will be ready if needed. This differs from the tuning priorities on your production system, which must balance user commit activity against background maintenance operations.

As your standby replays transactions, it duplicates the work that was performed on the primary system. Large operations that take considerable time on the production system will also require time on the standby.

Tuning Reclaim

When transactions from the production system are replayed, and create a large amount of reclaim work to be done, the time that this reclaim takes can be a significant bottleneck.

The parameters that are used to tune reclaim in your primary system may be set to values that ensure that reclaim does not delay user commits, which does not provide optional reclaim performance for the standby.

To tune reclaim on your standby, set the ReclaimGem configuration parameters to standby-specific values using the runtime interface.

For example, if you have set the parameter #sleepTimeBetweenReclaimMs to a nonzero value in your production system, to ensure that ReclaimGem activity does not block user sessions, you can reset this to zero in the standby system:

System setReclaimConfig: #sleepTimeBetweenReclaimMs toValue: 0

This will need to be executed again if you stop and restart your standby system, since it is not a persistent change; recall that you cannot commit persistent changes to a repository in restore mode.

For a full set of Reclaim Gem configuration parameters, see Tuning Reclaim.

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