This chapter shows you how to perform some common GemStone/S 64 Bit system operations:
Identifying and Stopping Logged-in Sessions
Shutting Down the Object Server and NetLDI
Recovering from an Unexpected Shutdown
In order to start a Stone repository monitor, the following must be identified through your operating system environment:
The GEMSTONE environment variable must point to the directory where GemStone is installed, such as /users/gemstone. The directory $GEMSTONE/bin should be in your search path for commands.
The repository monitor must find a configuration file. The default is $GEMSTONE/data/system.conf. Other files can supplement or replace the default file; for information, see How GemStone Uses Configuration Files.
The configuration file must give the path to one or more repository files (extents) and to space for transaction logs. The default configuration file specifies $GEMSTONE/data/extent0.dbf for the extent file, and places transaction logs in $GEMSTONE/data/. You may want to move these files to other locations. For further information, see Choosing the Extent Location.
Follow these steps to start GemStone following installation or an orderly shutdown. (To recover from an abnormal shutdown, refer to Recovering from an Unexpected Shutdown.)
Step 1. Set the GEMSTONE environment variable to the full pathname (starting with a slash) of the directory where GemStone is installed. Ordinarily this directory has a name like GemStone64Bit3.3.0-x86_64.Linux (depending on your platform). For example:
$ GEMSTONE=/users/GemStone64Bit3.3.0-x86_64.Linux
$ export GEMSTONE
If you have been using another version of GemStone, be sure you update or unset previous settings of these environment variables:
Step 2. Set your UNIX path. One way to do this is to use one of the gemsetup scripts. There is one version for users of the Bourne and Korn shells and another for users of the C shell. These scripts also set your man page path to include the GemStone man pages. Note that these scripts append to the end of your path or man path; you will need to manually remove references to older versions of GemStone.
(Bourne or Korn shell)
$ . $GEMSTONE/bin/
or (C shell)
% source $GEMSTONE/bin/gemsetup.csh
Step 3. Start GemStone by using the startstone command:
% startstone [gemStoneName]
where gemStoneName is optional and is the name you want the repository monitor to have. The default name is gs64stone. See startstone for additional information.
If the Stone repository monitor fails to start in response to a startstone command, it’s likely that the cause is one of the following. Inspect the Stone log for clues (the default location is $GEMSTONE/data/gs64stone.log).
The Stone repository monitor must be able to read the GemStone key file. By default, this is $GEMSTONE/sys/gemstone.key. The location and filename can be configured by the KEYFILE configuration parameter.
Ordinarily, you create the key file during installation from information provided by GemStone. Be careful to enter the information correctly. GemStone key files are platform-specific, and key files for earlier versions may not work with new major releases.
If you do not have a valid key file, contact GemStone Technical Support as described under Technical Support.
The shared page cache monitor must be able to create and attach to the shared memory segment that will serve as the shared page cache. Several factors may prevent this from happening:
If the Stone repository monitor cannot access a repository extent file, it logs a message like the following:
GemStone is unable to open the file
reason = File = /users/GemStone/data/extent0.dbf
DBF Op: Open; DBF Record: -1;
Error: open() failure; System Codes: errno=2, ENOENT, The file or
directory specified cannot be found
An error occurred opening the repository for exclusive access.
Stone startup has failed.
Examine the message for further clues. The extent file could be missing, the permissions on the file or directory could be set incorrectly, or there may be an error in the configuration file that points to the extents. Correct the problem, then try starting GemStone again.
If another process has an extent file open when you attempt to restart GemStone, a message like the following appears in the Stone log (by default, $GEMSTONE/data/gs64stone.log):
GemStone is unable to open the file
reason = File = /users/GemStone/data/extent0.dbf
DBF Op: Open; DBF Record: -1; Error: exclusive open: File is open
by another process.; System Codes:
errno=11, EAGAIN, No more processes (due to process table full,
user quotas, or insufficient memory)
An error occurred opening the repository for exclusive access.
Stone startup has failed.
Close any other Gem sessions (including Topaz sessions) that are accessing the repository you are trying to restart, or wait for a copydbf to complete. Use ps -ef (the options on your system may differ) to identify any pgsvrmain processes that are still running, and then use kill processid to terminate them. Try again to start GemStone.
If GemStone attempts to recover from a system crash that occurred just after an extent was created, and GemStone was not able to write a checkpoint when the extent was added, you will find an error message like the following in the Stone log:
An error occurred in recovery for extentId 2:
fileName= !TCP@pelican#dbf!/users/GemStone/data/extent1.dbf
File already exists; you must delete it before recovery can succeed.
Check that an extent was being added to the repository at or shortly before the crash. If necessary, look for a message near the end of the Stone log file.
At startup, the GemStone system performs consistency checks on each extent listed in DBF_EXTENT_NAMES.
All extents must have been shut down cleanly with a repository checkpoint the last time the system was run. This consistency check is the only one for which GemStone attempts automatic recovery.
The following consistency checks, if failed, cause the startup sequence to terminate. These failures imply corruption of the disk or file system, or that the extents were modified at the operating system level (such as by cp or copydbf) outside of GemStone’s control and in a manner that has corrupted the repository.
If GemStone cannot find the transaction log file for the period between the last checkpoint and an unexpected shutdown, it puts a message like this in the Stone log:
Extent 0 was not cleanly shutdown; recovery is needed.
<Repository startup statistics>
Repository startup is from checkpoint = (fileId 6, blockId 3)
ERROR: cannot find log file(s) to recover repository.
To proceed without tranlogs and lose transactions committed
since the last checkpoint use "-N" switch on your startstone
An error occurred when attempting to start repository recovery.
Waiting for aiowrites to complete
Stone startup has failed.
If the log file was archived and removed from the log directory, restore the file.
If the log file is no longer available, you can use startstone -N to restart from the most recent checkpoint in the repository. However, any transactions that occurred during the intervening period cannot be recovered.
When you use startstone with the -N option, any transactions occurring after the last checkpoint are permanently lost.
If you are still unable to start GemStone or determine the reason that startup is failing, contact your local GemStone administrator or GemStone Technical Support.
If this is an existing GemStone repository and the problems reported on startup attempts indicate that the repository is corrupt, you may need to restore from backups, as described in Chapter 9. See “How to Restore from Backup.
You will usually need to start a GemStone Network Long Distance Information (NetLDI) server when starting a Stone repository monitor. NetLDI servers are needed to start up Gem processes for RPC logins, and for starting up caches on behalf of Gems that are on other nodes.
If you are running distributed configurations, you will need to perform these steps on each node that requires a NetLDI.
To start a NetLDI server, perform the following steps on the node where the NetLDI is to run:
Step 1. Set the GEMSTONE environment variable to the full pathname (starting with a slash) of the directory where GemStone is installed. Ordinarily this directory has a name like GemStone64Bit3.3.0-x86_64.Linux (depending on the platform). For example:
$ GEMSTONE=/installDir/GemStone64Bit3.3.0-x86_64.Linux
$ export GEMSTONE
If you have been using another version of GemStone, be sure you update or unset previous settings of the $GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL environment variable
Step 2. Use one of the gemsetup scripts to set your UNIX path. There is one version for users of the Bourne and Korn shells and another for the C shell. These scripts also set your man page path to include the GemStone man pages.
(Bourne or Korn shell)
$ . $GEMSTONE/bin/
or (C shell)
% source $GEMSTONE/bin/gemsetup.csh
Step 3. Start the NetLDI by using the startnetldi command.
% startnetldi
% startnetldi -g -aname
For additional information about startnetldi, see the command description in Appendix B. For information about the authentication modes, see NetLDI configuration and Network Security.
If the NetLDI service fails to start in response to a startnetldi command, it’s likely that the cause is one of the following:
Check the NetLDI log for clues. By default, the NetLDI log (netLdiName.log) is located in /opt/gemstone/log. On some systems, this file may be located in /usr/gemstone/log, and may be overridden using the -l option to the startnetldi command, or by setting $GEMSTONE_GLOBAL_DIR.
The gslist utility lists all Stone repository monitors, shared page cache monitors, and NetLDIs that are running. The gslist command by itself checks the locks directory (/opt/gemstone/locks, /usr/gemstone/locks, or $GEMSTONE_GLOBAL_DIR/locks) for entries. The -v option causes it to verify that each process is alive and responding. For example:
% gslist -v
Status Version Owner Started Type Name
------ ------- --------- ------------ ------ ----
OK 3.3.0 gsadmin Mar 11 12:02 cache gs64stone~1c9fa07f0412665
OK 3.3.0 gsadmin Mar 11 12:02 Stone gs64stone
OK 3.3.0 gsadmin Mar 11 10:13 Netldi gs64ldi
By default, gslist lists servers on the local node. The -m host option performs the operation on node host, which must have a compatible NetLDI running.
This section tells how to start a GemStone session and log in to the repository monitor. The instructions apply to all logins from the node on which the Stone repository monitor is running.
This section begins with a brief discussion of environmental variables, and then presents two examples. The first example starts a linked application and logs in to GemStone. The second example starts an RPC application, which in turn spawns a separate Gem session process that communicates with the GemStone server.
The examples use Topaz as the application because it is part of the standard GemStone Object Server distribution. Other applications may use different steps to accomplish the same purpose. Some users may prefer to make these steps part of an initialization file.
For an explanation of the difference between linked and RPC sessions, see Linked and RPC Applications.
In order to start a GemStone session, the following must be defined through your operating system environment:
All GemStone users must have a GEMSTONE environment variable that points to the GemStone installation directory, such as
/installDir/GemStone64Bit3.3.0-x86_64.Linux (depending on your platform). The directory $GEMSTONE/bin should be in your search path for commands. For an example, see the next topic, “To Start a Linked Session”.
Because each GemStone session can have its own configuration file, some users may need a second environmental variable, such as GEMSTONE_EXE_CONF. If no other file is found, the session uses system defaults. For further information, see How GemStone Uses Configuration Files.
The following steps show how to start a linked application (here, the linked version of Topaz). The steps for setting the GEMSTONE environment variable and the operating system path for a session are the same as those given here for starting a repository monitor. They are repeated here for convenience.
The procedure assumes that the Stone repository monitor has already been started and has the default name gs64stone.
Step 1. Set the GEMSTONE environment variable to the full pathname (starting with a slash) of the directory where GemStone is installed. Ordinarily this directory has a name like GemStone64Bit3.3.0-x86_64.Linux (depending on your platform). For example:
$ GEMSTONE=/installDir/GemStone64Bit3.3.0-x86_64.Linux
$ export GEMSTONE
If you have been using another version on GemStone, be sure you update or delete previous settings of these environment variables:
Step 2. Set your UNIX path. One way to do this is to use one of the gemsetup scripts. There is one version for users of the Bourne and Korn shells and another for users of the C shell. These scripts also set your man page path to include the GemStone man pages.
(Bourne or Korn shell)
$ . $GEMSTONE/bin/
or (C shell)
% source $GEMSTONE/bin/gemsetup.csh
% topaz -l
Step 4. Set the UserName login parameter:
topaz> set username DataCurator
Step 5. Log in to the Gem session. It will query you for the password.
topaz> login
GemStone Password?
[Info]: LNK client/gem GCI levels = 860/860
[Info]: loaded
[Info]: User ID: DataCurator
[Info]: Repository: gs64stone
[Info]: Session ID: 6
[Info]: GCI Client Host: <Linked>
[Info]: Page server PID: -1
[Info]: Login Time: 03/12/2015 11:36:47.508 PDT
Gave this VM preference for OOM killer, Wrote to /proc/6923/oom_adj value 4
[03/12/2015 11:36:47.510 PDT]
gci login: currSession 1 linked session
successful login
topaz 1>
At this point, you are logged in to a Gem session process, which is linked with the application. The session process acts as a server to Topaz and as a client to the Stone. Information about Topaz is in the manual GemStone Topaz Programming Environment.
When you are ready to end the GemStone session, you can log out of GemStone and exit Topaz in one step by invoking the Topaz exit command:
topaz 1> exit
The following steps show how to start an RPC application (here, the RPC version of Topaz) on the server node. The procedure assumes that the Stone is running under the default name gs64stone and that you are already set up to run a GemStone session as described in Step 1 and Step 2 of the previous example (“To Start a Linked Session”).
Sessions that login RPC use SRP (Secure Remote Password) and SSL to authenticate passwords for login. If the Gem is running on the server node, the connection reverts to normal socket communication after login completes.
The following steps demonstrate an RPC login from topaz:
Step 1. Use gslist to find out if a NetLDI is already running. The default name for the NetLDI is gs64ldi.
% gslist
Status Version Owner Started Type Name
------ -------- --------- ------------ ------ ----
exists 3.3.0 gsadmin Mar 11 12:02 cache gs64stone~1c9fa07f0412665
exists 3.3.0 gsadmin Mar 11 12:02 Stone gs64stone
exists 3.3.0 gsadmin Mar 11 10:13 Netldi gs64ldi
If necessary, start a NetLDI following the instructions under Starting a NetLDI.
Step 2. Start the RPC application (such as Topaz), then set the UserName.
topaz> set username DataCurator
Step 3. Unless the NetLDI is running in guest mode with a captive account, set the application login parameters, such as HostUserName and HostPassword, after you start the application. For example:
topaz> set hostusername yourUnixId
topaz> set hostpassword yourPassword
Step 4. Set GemNetId (the name of the Gem service to be started) to gemnetobject. This script starts the separate Gem session process for you. For example:
topaz> set gemnetid gemnetobject
Step 5. Log in to the GemStone session.
topaz> login
GemStone Password?
[Info]: loaded
[03/12/2015 11:36:47.777 PDT]
gci login: currSession 1 rpc gem processId 6943
successful login
topaz 1>
At this point, you are logged in through a separate Gem session process that acts as a server to Topaz RPC and as a client to the Stone repository monitor.
When you are ready to end the GemStone session, you can log out of GemStone and exit Topaz by in one step by invoking the Topaz exit command:
topaz 1> exit
Several factors may prevent successful login to the repository:
SESSION MAX: The licensed concurrent session max is 10.
SESSION CONFIGURATION: The maximum number of concurrent sessions is 40
Multi-threaded operations use additional slots for their working threads while they are executing. If you are close to your session limit, these operations may prevent other sessions from logging in.
server% ipcs -m
IPC status from <running system> as of Mon March 9 16:21:08 PDT 2015
Shared Memory:
m 25089 0x4c000ed5 --rw-rw---- gsadmin users
Typical problems occur with linked applications, which may be installed without the S bit and therefore rely on group access to the shared page cache and the repository.
Privileges required: SessionAccess.
To identify the sessions currently logged in to GemStone, send the message System class>>currentSessionNames. This message returns an array of internal session numbers and the corresponding UserId. For example:
topaz 1> printit
System currentSessionNames
session number: 2 UserId: GcUser
session number: 3 UserId: GcUser
session number: 4 UserId: SymbolUser
session number: 5 UserId: DataCurator
The session number can be used with other System class methods to stop a particular session or to obtain its UserProfile.
To get the sessionId for the current executing session, use System class >> session. For example,
topaz 1> printit
System session
To get the UserProfile for a given session, execute:
System userProfileForSession:aSessionId
To get the UserProfile for the current session, execute:
System myUserProfile
The method System class>>descriptionOfSession:aSessionId returns an array of descriptive information, which can be used to find out details information and status for any session. This method returns an Array of 21 elements; the values in each slot are defined as follows:
1. The UserProfile of the session; nil if the UserProfile is recently created and not visible from this session's transactional view or the session is in login or processing, or has logged out.
2. A SmallInteger, the process ID of the Gem or topaz -l process .
3. The hostname of the machine running the Gem process. Specifically, the peer's hostname as seen by stone, for the gem to stone network connection used for login. (a String, limited to 127 bytes).
4. Primitive number in which the Gem is executing, or 0 if it is not executing in a long primitive.
5. Time of the session's most recent beginTransaction, commitTransaction, or abortTransaction (from System timeGmt).
6. The session state (a SmallInteger).
7. A SmallInteger whose value is -1 if the session is in transactionless mode, 0 if it is not in a transaction and 1 if it is in a transaction.
8. A Boolean whose value is true if the session is currently referencing the oldest commit record, and false if it is not.
9. The session's serial number (a SmallInteger).
10. The session's sessionId (a SmallInteger).
11. A String containing the ip address of host running the GCI process. If the GCI application is remote, the peer address as seen by the gem of the GCI app to gem network connection. If the GCI application is linked (using libgcilnk*.so or gcilnk*.dll) this is the peer's ip address as seen by stone, for the gem to stone network connection used for login.
12. The priority of the session (a SmallInteger).
13. Unique host ID of the host where the session is running (an Integer)
14. Time of the session's most recent request to stone (from System timeGmt)
15. Time the session logged in (from System timeGmt)
16. Number of commits which have occurred since the session obtained its view.
17. Nil or a String describing a system or gc gem .
18. Number of temporary (uncommitted) object IDs allocated to the session.
19. Number of temporary (non-persistent) page IDs allocated to the session.
20. A SmallInteger, 0 session has not voted, 1 session voting in progress, 2 session has voted, or voting not active.
21. A SmallInteger, processId of the remote GCI client process, or -1 if the session has no remote GCI client.
Refer the image method comment for the most recent details.
Privileges required: SessionAccess and SystemControl
There are a number of methods on System class that can be used to stop a specific session, or all sessions:
stopSession: aSessionId
Stop the specified session; any transactions that the session was in are aborted, and the session is terminated. This method does not stop the GcGems or SymbolGem.
terminateSession: aSessionId timeout: timeoutSeconds
Stop the specified session; any transactions that the session was in are aborted, and the session is terminated. Waiting up to timeoutSeconds for the session to complete terminating before returning. This method can be used to stop the GcGems. but not the SymbolGem.
Stops all sessions other than system Gems; does not stop the GcGems nor SymbolGem. Any transactions that any of the sessions were in are aborted.
Be aware that it may take as long as a minute for a session to terminate after you send stopSession:.If the Gem is responsive, it usually terminates within milliseconds. However, if a Gem is not active (for example, sleeping or waiting on I/O), the Stone waits one minute for it to respond before forcibly logging it out. You can bypass this timeout by sending terminateSession:timeout:
Privileges required: SystemAccess and SystemControl.
To shut down GemStone from UNIX, first make sure that all user sessions have logged out. One way to find out about other user sessions is to send the message currentSessionNames to System. For example, using Topaz:
topaz 1> printit
System currentSessionNames
session number: 2 UserId: GcUser
session number: 3 UserId: GcUser
session number: 4 UserId: SymbolUser
session number: 5 UserId: DataCurator
The SymbolUser and GcUser sessions are system session and will be shut down cleanly when the stone is shut down. The above example includes session 5, which is the user executing the example code.
After all user sessions have logged out, use the stopstone command, which performs an orderly shutdown in which all committed transactions are written to the extent files.
% stopstone [gemStoneName] [-i]
If you do not supply the name of the Stone repository monitor, stopstone prompts you for one. The default name during startup was gs64stone. If necessary, use gslist to find the name.
The -i option aborts all current (uncommitted) transactions and terminates all active user sessions. If you do not specify this option and other sessions are logged in, GemStone will not shut down and you will receive a message to that effect.
stopstone prompts you to supply a GemStone username and password. The user must have the SystemControl privilege (initially, this privilege is granted to SystemUser and DataCurator). For details about user accounts and privileges, see Chapter 6.
There is a similar command to shut down the NetLDI network service.
% stopnetldi [netLdiName]
For more information, see the command reference in Appendix B; stopstone and stopnetldi.
If you are logged in to a GemStone session, you can invoke System class>>shutDown, which also requires the SystemControl privilege.
If you must halt a specific Gem session process or GemStone server processes, be sure to use only kill or kill -term so that the Gem can perform an orderly shutdown.
Do NOT use kill -9 or another uncatchable signal, which may not result in a clean shutdown or may cause the Stone repository monitor to shut down when you intended to kill only a Gem process. If for some reason you need to send kill -9 to a shared page cache monitor, use ipcs and ipcrm to identify and free the shared memory and semaphore resources for that cache. If you send kill -9 to a Stone, use ipcs to determine whether ipcrm should be invoked.
GemStone is designed to shut down in response to certain error conditions as a way of minimizing damage to the repository. If GemStone stops unexpectedly, it probably means that one of the following situations has occurred:
When GemStone shuts down unexpectedly, check the message at the end of the Stone log file to begin diagnosing the problem. By default, the Stone log is $GEMSTONE/data/gemStoneName.log, but there are a number of ways that this can be configured. The names and locations of the Stone and other process log files is described under GemStone Process Logs.
Once the problem is identified, your recovery strategy should take into account the interdependence of GemStone system components. For instance, if an extent becomes unavailable, to restart the system and recover you may have to kill the Stone repository monitor if it is still running. The stopstone command won’t work in this situation, since the orderly shutdown process requires the Stone to clean up the repository before it stops.
If you see a shutdown message in the system log file, GemStone has stopped in response to a stopstone command or a Smalltalk System shutdown method:
--- 04/20/15 17:16:35 PDT ---
LoginsSuspended is set to 1 by DataCurator from session 5
SHUTDOWN command was received from user DataCurator session 5 gem processId 29188.
Waiting for aiowrites to complete
Waiting for NetRead thread to stop
Now stopping GemStone.
After a normal shutdown, restart GemStone in the usual manner. For instructions, see Starting the GemStone Server of this chapter.
GemStone prints several different disk read error messages to the GemStone log file. For example:
Repository Read failure,
fileName = !#dbf!/users/gemstone/data/extent0.dbf
PageId = 94
File = /users/gs64stone/data/extent0.dbf
too few bytes returned from read()
DBF Operation Read; DBF record 94, UNIX codes: errno=34,...
"A read error occurred when accessing the repository."
If you see a message similar to the above, or if your system administrator identifies a disk failure or a corrupted file system, try to copy your extents to another node or back them up immediately. The copies may be bad, but it is worth doing, just in case. If you’re lucky, you may be able to copy them back after the underlying problem is solved and start again with the current committed state of your repository.
Otherwise, you may need to restore the repository. For details, see the restore procedures in Chapter 9.
If you find a message similar to the following in the GemStone log, the shared page cache (SPC) monitor process (shrpcmonitor) died. The SPC monitor log, $GEMSTONE/data/gemStoneName_pcmonnnnn.log,may indicate the reason.
--- 04/06/15 15:07:19 PDT ---
The stone’s connection to the local shared cache monitor was lost.
Error Text: ’Network partner has disconnected.’
The unexpected shutdown of a Gem process may, in rare cases, result in a “stuck spin lock” error that brings down the shared page cache monitor and the Stone. GemStone uses spin locks to coordinate access to critical structures within the cache. In most cases, the monitor can recover if a Gem dies while holding a spin lock, but not all spin locks can be recovered safely. Stuck spin locks may result from a Gem crash, but a typical cause is the use of kill -9 to kill an unwanted Gem process. If you must halt a Gem process, be sure to use only kill or kill -TERM so that the Gem can perform an orderly shutdown.
Use startstone to restart GemStone. For instructions, see Starting the GemStone Server.
If a Gem session process detects a fatal error that would cause it to halt and dump a core image, the Stone repository monitor may do the same when it is notified of the event. This response on the part of the Stone is configurable through the STN_HALT_ON_FATAL_ERR configuration option. When that option is set to True and a Gem encounters a fatal error, the Stone prints a message like this in its log file:
Fatal Internal Error condition in Gem
when halt on fatal error was specified in the config file
By default, STN_HALT_ON_FATAL_ERR is set to False. That setting causes the Stone to attempt to keep running if a Gem encounters a fatal error; it is the recommended setting for GemStone in a production system. You can set STN_HALT_ON_FATAL_ERR to True during development and testing to provide additional checks for potential risks.
In the event of other shutdown messages in the GemStone log:
1. Consider whether the shutdown might have been caused by a disk failure or a corrupt file system, especially if you see an unexpected message such as Object not found. If you suspect one of these conditions, start with a page audit of the repository file (see Repository Page and Object Audit).
If the page audit fails, refer to Disk Failure or File System Corruption, and consult your operating system administrator.
If the audit succeeds, continue to the next step.
2. If you don’t suspect disk failure or a corrupt file system, try using startstone to restart GemStone. For instructions, see Starting the GemStone Server.
3. If the restart fails, you may have to restore the repository. For details, see the restore procedures in Chapter 9.
If the GemStone log doesn’t contain a shutdown message, there has probably been a power failure or an operating system crash. In that event, the Stone repository monitor automatically recovers committed transactions the next time it starts. Use startstone to restart GemStone, as described under Starting the GemStone Server. See startstone for more information on this command.
During bulk loading of objects into the repository, it may be desirable to make the following changes:
To address this concern, increase the GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE configuration option. The size of each transaction (the number of 16 KB pages written) should be approximately 1/3 to 1/2 the size of GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE, and no more than 1/4 to 1/2 the size of the shared page cache.
STN_TRAN_LOG_DIRECTORIES = /dev/null, /dev/null;
Be aware that using /dev/null for the tranlog directories will prevent you from being able to restore tranlogs in the event of a system failure.
GemStone/S 64 allows you to define a very large shared page cache, thereby enabling you to run very large repositories. This section presents special considerations that apply to large repositories.
When starting the repository, the object table is not loaded into memory, and initial accesses can take an excessively long time. If you encounter degraded application performance for a period after restarting the Stone, you may want to start up using cache warming. There is an initial heavy I/O load at Stone startup with cache warming, but subsequent application performance should be consistent with your normal application performance. You may choose to preload just the object table pages, which are most important for performance. Alternatively, you can also preload data pages, which will improve performance if you have a large cache with a relatively fixed working set of data pages.
There are two ways to perform cache warming on startup.
When running a system on which many users log in simultaneously, consider using remote caches so that you don’t need to run all Gem processes on the same machine. There are a couple of ways to optimize this. The following configuration options are of particular interest:
Sessions only update their view of the repository when they commit or abort. The repository must keep a copy of each session’s view so long as the session is using it, even if other sessions frequently commit changes and create new views (commit records). Storing the original view and all the intermediate views uses up space in the repository, and can result in the repository running out of space. To avoid this problem, all sessions in a busy system should commit or abort regularly.
For a session that is not in a transaction, if the number of commit records exceeds the value of STN_CR_BACKLOG_THRESHOLD, the Stone repository monitor signals the session to abort by signaling TransactionBacklog (also called “sigAbort”). If the session does not abort, the Stone repository monitor terminates it.
Sessions that are in transaction are not subject to losing their view forcibly. Sessions in transaction enable receipt of the signal TransactionBacklog, and handle it appropriately, but it is optional. It is important that sessions do not stay in transaction for long periods in busy systems; this can result in the Stone running out of space and shutting down. However, sessions that run in automatic transaction mode are always in transaction; as soon as they commit or abort, they begin a new transaction. (For a discussion of automatic and manual transaction modes, see the “Transactions and Concurrency Control” chapter of the Programming Guide.)
To avoid running out of disk space, we recommend that you use manual transaction mode whenever possible. To enter manual transaction mode:
topaz> printit
System transactionMode: #manualBegin
At the point that this session needs to commit a change, begin a transaction manually, then make the changes:
topaz> printit
System beginTransaction .
AllUsers addNewUserWithId: #Jane password: 'gemstone' .
System commitTransaction
After you commit (or abort) the transaction, your session will return to waiting outside of a transaction.
Even in manual transaction mode, it is possible to cause a commit record backlog, depending on how your system is configured. Sessions should ensure that they commit or abort regularly, or set up sigAbort handlers to abort when requested by the Stone. A sigAbort handler may be as simple as this:
[ :exception :GSdictionary :errID :array |
System abortTransaction.
System enableSignaledAbortError).
Note that a session that is entirely idle does not become aware of the signal to abort, and may timeout and be terminated by the stone in spite of the handler. If your application may have idle sessions, we recommend setting up a timer that causes regular aborts when the session is otherwise idle.
Sessions that are in transaction, and therefore immune from the sigAbort mechanism, may also be signaled when there is a commit record backlog. When the number of commit records exceeds the value of STN_CR_BACKLOG_THRESHOLD, and the session holding the oldest commit record is in transaction, the Stone repository monitor signals the session by sending TransactionBacklog. The session then has the opportunity to perform a continueTransaction to update its view of unmodified objects. It may also commit or abort. Unlike sigAbort, the session can choose to ignore this message and will not receive further signals from the stone.